Stone Cold Steve Austin Discusses Not Being At WrestleMania 40, Future Appearances, Whether He’ll Ever Wrestle Again

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Steve Austin has discussed how close he was to appearing at WrestleMania 40, whether he’ll be at WrestleMania 41 and his in-ring future.

Cody Rhodes’ Undisputed WWE Championship victory over Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 40 was littered with star-studded cameos from some of the industry’s biggest icons. However, when it came time for The Rock to interfere, many were expecting to hear the infamous glass shatter and for Steve Austin to join the fold, something which didn’t come to be. Now, ‘The Rattlesnake’ has addressed how close he was to coming out at ‘Mania last April, as well as any future plans to appear in WWE.

Speaking with Adrian Hernandez, Austin began by revealing that he was close to being involved at WrestleMania 40, only just being unable to make the show.

“It was close, and they (WWE) certainly reached out to me, we had conversations. But my wife and I had some things going on that I didn’t need to go to Philly at that time. But I have said I missed that Mania and God dang, Philly was a good town for me back in the Day and I appreciate those fans. Couldn’t make it to that one”

-Steve Austin

While he wasn’t able to appear this year, Austin has left the door open with regard to an appearance at next year’s WrestleMania, especially if Cody Rhodes is in need of assistance.

“It’ll (WrestleMania 41) be in Vegas so I hope to be there this year. — If he (Cody Rhodes) needs another hand, I’ll be there.”

-Steve Austin

As for his own in-ring career, Austin admits that he thinks about returning to competition every now and then, but maintains that wrestling is a young man’s game.

“That wrestling game, that’s a young mans game. I did what I could, had some injuries and I hung it up. I did that little thing with Kevin Owens a while back and it’s been two years since then. I’m very into reality. — But to answer your question, I think about it every now and then. But to go out and try and do it and be who I was — that’s a rough ass job but it’s a young mans job.”

-Steve Austin

Fans heading to Las Vegas will certainly be excited by the prospect of Austin appearing next April. For now though, whether Austin will appear at WrestleMania 41 remains to be seen.

As always, we’ll aim to provide any further updates on the future plans for Steve Austin as soon as we hear more.

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