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Welcome to the Wrestlepurist’s coverage of this Holiday Bash edition of AEW Collision. Saturday is alright for fighting! which is an understatement to this edition of Collision, we will hear from Christian Cage, we have an AEW Trio championship match between The Acclaimed, with Daddy Ass and Top Flight and Action Andretti, we will have Brian Cage vs Keith Lee in Lee’s pursuit of Swerve, we have the team of Skye Blue and Julia Hart vs the returning Thunder Rosa and Abadon, and of course the final three Continental Classic Blue league matches; with first time Eddie Kingston vs Andrade El Idolo, BCC team members face each other when Bryan Danielson vs Claudio Castagnoli and Daniel Garcia looking to get on the board against Big Bad Brody King and so much more!

Continental Classic Blue League MAtch: Bryan Danielson draws with Claudio Castagnoli

Both men started with solid chain wrestling to feel each other out, with Danielson having the early advantage but Claudio ended up stunning Danielson with a big uppercut. they went back with some chain wrestling and countering each other, they seemed to be evenly matched. Claudio took advantage by putting his thumb in Danielson his injured eye but Danielson kept fighting back with submission. The action spilled to the outside with Danielson hitting a big knee from the apron and throwing Claudio against the steel stairs. Inside the ring, Claudio countered Danielson his running dropkicks in the corner into a giant swing. The match continued outside with two big uppercuts to Danielson against the barricades. Claudio had the upper hand back inside the ring but after a top turnbuckle belly-to-back suplex, Danielson tried to knockout Claudio with anvil elbow blows after Claudio fought back Danielson locked in the Lebell Lockbut Claudio got to the ropes and managed to hit a massive avalanche suplex for a 2 count, Claudio hit Danielson with a neutralizer for a 2.9 count; then Danielson hits the running knee for a 2.9 count. Both men were kicking each other in the head, with one minute on the clock Claudio put Danielson in the Sharpshooter, but the match ended in a draw after Claudio hit a big uppercut. With this win, Danielson advances to the Blue League Final.

Jon Moxley, Swerve Strickland, and Jay White video promo for the Finals of the Continental Classic Gold League

AEW World Trios Championships: The Acclaimed (c) with Billy Gunn defeat Top Flight with Action Andretti

Darius and Max Caster started the match being evenly matched but a blind tag to Bowens gives the Acclaimed a lead, Andretti tries to fight back but both teams end up in the ring seeming evenly matched, Billy Gunn showed his dominance in this match. Andretti throughout this match looked for the hot tag, but he kept getting cut off by the efficient teamwork of The Acclaimed, he managed to weaken Billy Gunn and get the tag to Dante and Top Flight had some quick tags trying to take out Billy Gunn, but Billy Gun Stopped their momentum. There were big suicide dives by the Martin brothers and inside the ring Andretti hit a big 450 splash for a near fall on Max Caster, but Max outsmarted Andretti with a roll-up pin for the win.

HOOK Promo

Hook accepts Wheeler Yuta his challenge under FTW rules, Hook wants the match in New York, his home turf, for the FTW Championship at Worlds End.

Keith Lee defeats Brian Cage

This was a big meaty match, with two men who have been dominating these last few months. both men showed off both their impressive strength and agility. After a big Tornado DDT, Bryan Cage had the advantage at the beginning of the match, Lee tried to fight back but Bryan Cage kept Lee down, and Bryan Cage scoop-slammed Lee like he was a cruiserweight. Bryan Cage had an answer for every move Lee had, when Lee saw an opening by going to the top of the highest turnbuckle, Bryan Cage stopped Lee with an avalanche suplex for 2 a count. Lee would not stay down so Prince Nana put a cinder block in the ring for Bryan Cage to take down Lee but Lee countered with the Big Bang Castatrophe for the win. After the match, Lee took the mic and said he got taken out by a cinder block for two months and he has been trying to send a message to that certain someone but that someone is preoccupied so on AEW Dynamite Lee will make the message clear and he will take a house down brick by brick.

Toni Storm and Mariah May backstage interview with Renee Paquette

Renee interviewed Toni Storm, she pretended to not know Mariah May. Mariah May announced that she was cleared that she received her American wrestling license and that we would see her in the ring soon, Mariah May asked Toni for advice but Toni said she was not listening and said she could put on weight for her match against Riho

Christian Cage promo with Nick and Shayna Wayne

Christian Cage told the crowd to shut up, and he said that the business at hand tonight was that Shayna Wayne attacked Adam Copeland and helped Cage beat Copeland, He said that he would let Shayna tell the crowd herself why she attacked Copeland. Shayna said she attacked Copeland to protect her son and did what any mother would do and she said Christian Cage loves Nick Wayne as much as she loves her son, Christian Cage said that Shayna worked hard as a waitress to make her son’s dream come true and that Copeland almost took that away for her, Cage told the crowd that Shayna knows how despicable Copeland is now and that he accepts Adam Copeland challenge at Worlds End. Cage mentions it won’t be a challenge because Cage is levels above Adam Copeland.

Big Bill and Ricky Starks backstage interview with Lexy Nair

Lexy Nair interviews Big Bill and Ricky Starks, they said that Kenny Omega is made up and that he is faking the illness, Starks said that Kenny does not have the guts to face them but that they forfeit the title match, but Chris Jericho interrupted them and said that he still has the contract for the match, and that will find a partner and take the titles away from Big Bill and Ricky Starks.

Continental Classic Blue league match: Daniel Garcia Defeats Brody King

Daniel Garcia started the match with a big slap toward Brody King his face, Brody dominated most of the match with a big cannon ball and big chops, Garcia showed some heart by chopping back with no effect but managed to hit a big back suplex for a 2 count. Brody proceeded to hit Garcia with a big lariat for a 2 count, then a gonzo bomb for a 2.9 count, but Garcia outsmarted Brody with a quick pin for the win, knocking Brody King out of the tournament and getting himself points in the tournament. After the match, the arena went black, when the lights came back on Malakai Black and Buddy Matthews held Garcia for Brody to attack but Daddy Magic tried to make the safe by covering Garcia his body with his. FTR came out to chase away The House of Black while telling them that they were done with the games and fairytales and they challenged The House of Black for a first-ever match.

Thunder Rosa and Abadon defeat Julia Hart and Skye Blue

Skye Blue started off the match by attacking Abadon from behind, most of the match was dominated by Julia Hart and Skye Blue, but after a hot tag to Thunder Rosa and a huge assist by Abadon, Thunder Rosa pins Skye Blue for the win after a Tihuana bomb.

Continental Classic Blue League Match: Eddie Kingston defeats Andrade el Idolo

The match started with a handshake and then both men started to push each other, both men tested each other out. Eddie eventually got the advantage and kept Andrade down by using a methodical approach. but after a big dropkick to the knee by Andrade left Kingston hurt. Andrade managed to hit double knees in the corner followed by the three amigos for a 2 count on Kingston. Andrade went to the top but Kingston countered with an enzuigiri but hurt his knee. Kingston hit his rapid-fire chops on Andrade in the corner. The fight ended up outside where Andrad hit a big moonsault as well as a standing moonsault inside the ring after recovering from a top rope moonsault. Kingston fought back but countered the hammerlock DDT to a belly-to-back suplex on Andrade. Andrade fought back with big elbows and knocked out Kingston with the feint into a big elbow for a 2.9 count on Kingston, with 5 minutes left on the clock, Kingston managed to grab the ropes from the figure four leg lock. After Kingston got up and stunned Andrade with 2 spinning back fists and a big suplex for the win, Eddie Kingston advanced to the finals of The Continental Classic Blue League block where Kingston will face Bryan Danielson. After the match, Danielson came to the ring and he had a staredown with Kingston.

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