It’s Wednesday and you know what that means. The Continental Classic is coming to an end with the finals set to take place this Saturday at World’s End, but before then the gold and blue league finals are taking place on Dynamite. The gold league finals is a three-way between Jon Moxley, Swerve Strickland and Jay White. The blue league final is a matchup between two of the best performers of the tournament, Eddie Kingston and Bryan Danielson. Aside from the Continental Classic action, the ROH tag titles are going to be defended as MJF will team up with his World’s End opponent Samoa Joe and they will face off against two of the Devil’s assailants.
Gold League Final: Jon Moxley defeats Swerve Strickland & Jay White
Early on the match spilled onto the outside, with the three wrestlers fighting into the crowd. The chaos calmed down as the match entered the ring, however Jay White introduced a chair into the equation. White hit Moxley with a chair multiple times. Strickland then took advantage as he was able to one up White and get himself in a pin-fall scenario. Moxley entered the ring and hit Strickland with a stomp to prevent the win.
The three finalists traded blows in the middle of the ring as the match entered the last act. A blade runner from White onto Moxley was not enough as Strickland broke up the pin. In frustration, White brought back that chair into the match, he then attacked Moxley and Strickland. However, Strickland was able to crash White’s face into the chair as it was propped on the turnbuckle. Later, Moxley was put in position for a Swerve Stomp but Jay White pushed Strickland off the top rope, but that quickly backfired. As Moxley hit a thunderous death-rider for the win as Strickland couldn’t get back in time to break up the count. Moxley is going to the finals!
Collision Recap
As the blue league final is set to take place, Danielson and Kingston’s journeys to this stage are highlighted. Danielson continued to call Kingston a bum, which will only light a fire under the mad king.
Swerve Strickland interview
Strickland, while being interviewed by Tony Schiavone, was visibly frustrated about the loss in the opener despite not being pinned. Strickland also called out Keith Lee after Lee was bad mouthing him on Collision. The challenge was made for Worlds End between the two former tag partners.
Mariah May Interview
Renee Paquette interviewed Mariah May on top of the ramp. May announced that she will be ready to make her debut next week on Dynamite. Riho came out to confront May, who ended up running to the ring. Toni Storm came out to take advantage and attack her challenger for Worlds End. Riho was the one who got the upper hand and ended up having Storm retreating to the ramp.
Top Flight & Action Andretti Segment
Backstage, Top Flight and Action Andretti spoke about their loss to the Acclaimed despite a good performance. Orange Cassidy, Trent Beretta, and Rocky Romero entered the fray. Cassidy challenged the trio to a trios match on Rampage.
Don Callis Family Segment
Callis flocked by Powerhouse Hobbs, Konosuke Takeshita, and Kyle Fletcher came out to the ring. Callis brought gifts for his family members, all of which are ridiculous portraits of the different members.
The returning Sammy Guevara then interrupted the segment. Guevara didn’t look pleased with Callis as the portrait of Guevara included Guevara’s infant child. Guevara berated Callis for making the group about him rather than the members. Callis made Guevara choose between his two families and even called Guevara a disappointment as a wrestler and as a father. Guevara had enough and went for the attack but the Don Callis family began to attack Guevara. Chris Jericho came out for the save and helped his former foe and longtime protegee. Guevara and Jericho embraced but were then quickly attacked by tag champions, Ricky Starks and Big Bill.
The lights then went out as Sting and Darby Allin came out to help Jericho and Guevara dispatch the tag champions. Three weeks of segments were crammed into one. The storytelling is lazy and doesn’t make sense as motives from each side are unclear. Jericho and Guevara getting back together came off as boring and unoriginal.
Roderick Strong Interview
Roderick Strong alongside The Kingdom had a board that broke down why MJF is the devil. More of the same from Strong with his accusations of the world champion.
Blue League Final: Eddie Kingston defeats Bryan Danielson
These two did not hold back. Kingston is either a great actor or just insane as his hatred for Danielson bleeds through the screen. Danielson is the smaller man with a long history of being an underdog but the way the two wrestlers carry themselves is perfect for the dynamic that they try to convey. It just works. As a fan, watching Danielson spit on Kingston every time Kingston chops him, makes you want to clench your fist. Kingston is such a believable babyface that you want him to gauge Danielson’s eye out.
The match was so physical as Danielson’s chest was painted red from all the chops. This did not stop Danielson as he was able to connect a busaiku knee only for Kingston to kick out. Danielson then grabbed the opportunity, and it became a beatdown. Danielson got too arrogant and gave Kingston the time to regain the stamina. A flurry of offense from Kingston gave him a second wind. A Kawada-style powerbomb was the cherry on top as Kingston got the victory and sets himself up against Moxley after a fantastic match.
Jon Moxley made his way out to the ring to check on Danielson. Moxley grabbed a microphone and told cut a fantastic promo. Moxley told Kingston to bring his best at Worlds End but he knows Kingston can’t beat him and he knows that Kingston himself knows he can’t beat him. Kingston grabbed the microphone and shot back, the king of the bums is going to push Moxley to the very edge.
Sit-Down Interview with Christian Cage & Adam Copeland
As everyone was waiting for the arrival of Adam Copeland, Christian Cage was sat next to Nick Wayne and Shayna Wayne. Copeland stormed in and began to attack Christian Cage. The roster had to break up the fight as Copeland wouldn’t let up.
Skye Blue defeats Kris Statlander
Stokely Hathaway was on commentary as he has taken an interest in Statlander. Statlander and Blue went back and forth with Statlanders offense looking excellent. Statlander looked like she was going to get the win before Julia Hart interfered and attacked her with the TBS title. Blue hit Statlander with an avalanche code blue for the victory.
After the match Blue and Hart attacked Statlander before Willow Nightingale came in for the save. Blue and Hart retreated to the ramp. Abadon’s entrance hit and she proceeded to stare down her opponent for Worlds End (Julia Hart).
Ruby Soho and Saraya Backstage Interview
Saraya interrupted one of Paquette’s questions to Soho, Saraya let Soho know that she has a gift that can assist her. Harley Cameron entered the shot, however it’s not clear what role Cameron will play in this ongoing storyline.
ROH Tag Titles: Devil’s Masked Men defeat MJF & Samoa Joe
During the entrances, Samoa Joe was seen holding his knee as it looked like he was attacked. MJF wanted to proceed with the match anyways. As the match spilled to the outside, a third masked man hit MJF with a pipe. The other masked men took advantage and got the win on MJF to win the ROH tag titles.
After the bell, two more masked men came out to continue the attack on MJF. Samoa Joe came hobbling to help MJF out. A black screen popped up reading “Pleasure doing business with you”. Samoa Joe stopped faking his injury and attacked MJF with a chair before hitting the champion with the muscle buster and held the AEW title up as the show went off the air.