SummerSlam 2026 To Take Place In Minneapolis As Two-Night Event

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SunmerSlam 2026 is set to be a two-night spectacle.

When it comes to the WWE calendar, perhaps only WrestleMania attracts more eyes than SummerSlam. Over the years, ‘The Biggest Party of the Summer’ has provided a myriad of important matches, as well as playing host to some of the most iconic moments in company history, and we now know where the event will be taking place in a little over two years time.

As announced by Paul ‘Triple H’ Levesque on X, SummerSlam will emanate from Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 2026. Interestingly, the event will take place over two nights across August 1 and 2.

SummerSlam 2026’s switch to a two-night format is historic in its own right, but it’s also interesting to note that Minneapolis was one of the major contenders for WrestleMania 41 before it was awarded to Las Vegas, with ‘Mania being the only WWE Premium Live Event to currently be spread over two nights.

The decision to add a second two-night show to the schedule will certainly raise eyebrows, and it remains to be seen whether WWE will now make this a tradition for SummerSlam or if it’ll simply be a one-off change to the format.

As always, we’ll aim to provide any further updates on SummerSlam 2026 as soon as we hear more.

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