Vince McMahon reportedly tried to reclaim Netflix’s documentary on him.
Tomorrow, September 25, the ‘Mr. McMahon’ docuseries will officially release on Netflix. The series is expected to take a deep dive into the McMahon’s reign over WWE, and promises not to shy away from the sexual misconduct allegations which led to his departure from the company in 2022.
However, in a statement posted to his X account, McMahon denounced the documentary, saying that it is ‘deceptive’ and ‘misleading’.
“I don’t regret participating in this Netflix documentary. The producers had an opportunity to tell an objective story about my life and the incredible business I built, which were equally filled with excitement, drama, fun, and a fair amount of controversy and life lessons. Unfortunately, based on an early partial cut I’ve seen, this doc falls short and takes the predictable path of conflating the ‘Mr. McMahon’ character with my true self, Vince. The title and promos alone make that evident. A lot has been misrepresented or left out entirely in an effort to leave viewers intentionally confused. The producers use typical editing tricks with out of context footage and dated soundbites etc. to distort the viewers’ perception and support a deceptive narrative. In an attempt to further their misleading account, the producers use a lawsuit based on an affair I ended as evidence that I am, in fact, ‘Mr. McMahon.’ I hope the viewer will keep an open mind and remember that there are two sides to every story.”
Now, Puck News are reporting that McMahon was nervous about the documentary to the point at which he tried to purchase the series from Netflix prior to his resignation from TKO. Interestingly, his attempted acquisition of the documentary happened before news emerged of Janel Grant’s lawsuit against him.
“McMahon was still nervous about the doc, and after seeing early footage, he actually tried to buy the project back from Netflix, per two sources familiar. (Netflix declined to comment.) Vince also had Endeavor C.E.O. Ari Emanuel, his new partner in TKO, chime in on his behalf, also voicing concern about the doc’s treatment of Vince’s alter ego, “Mr. McMahon,” which ended up being the title of the doc. Netflix refused to let the project go, and then this past January, the worse McMahon scandal broke, when a former employee sued alleging terrible abuse.”
-Puck News
With less than 24 hours to go, fans don’t have to wait much longer before they can watch all episodes of the ‘Mr. McMahon’ documentary on Netflix. For many, the representation of the controversy involving McMahon is a key selling point of the series, and most will be interested in seeing how the recent scandals are depicted.
As always, we’ll aim to provide any further updates on the ‘Mr. McMahon‘ Netflix documentary as soon as we hear more.