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Welcome to the Wrestlepurists’ live coverage of Monday Night Raw for the October 2nd, 2023 episode.


We kick off Raw with what was supposed to be a match between Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler, however these two women are already brawling on the ramp. They fight their way into the ring where Baszler is able to lock in a choke before Jax flings her off. Before Jax can do anymore damage, Raquel Rodriquez returns and takes the fight right to Jax. The two brawl before Jax once again gets the better of an opponent. The roof comes off the place when the Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley returns! She makes a beeline right for Jax and now all four women are going at it. Security runs out to separate the four, with Rhea standing tall.


Rhea grabs the mic and says now that she’s back she needs to address some Judgment Day business. Damian Priest and Dominik Mysterio (sans North American Championship.) Rhea says she was gone for two weeks and everything fell apart. Finn Balor is hurt and not here, and Priest isn’t medically cleared to compete tonight. She seems like she is going to blame Domink but instead blames Priest for not being there for Domink. Priest says he still has his championship and asks where Domink’s is. Rhea tells Dominik that she got him a rematch against Trick Williams tomorrow night. “But if you don’t come home with the title, don’t bother coming home at all.” Big reaction for that line.

Jey Uso comes out to a huge ovation after Rhea mentioned the threat Jey and Cody Rhodes pose to the Tag Team Championships. Jey says its really good to see Rhea. Like, really really good. Jey trying his best here lol Priest says he is tired of hearing Jey open his mouth. Jey invites Priest to step to him but Dominik steps up and says he will handle it. Priest doesn’t care at this point and let’s Dominik take over. Dominik squares up with Jey and eats a Superkick! JD McDonagh jumps Jey from behind and the two double team Jey until it’s time for the American Nightmare Cody Rhodes to make the save. Cody and Jey clear the ring and Adam Pearce comes down and makes it official. At Fastlane it will be Cody and Jey challenging Finn and Priest for the WWE Tag Team Championships!


We see the same video from Smackdown showing news clippings of Jade Cargill’s signing. I’m a big fan of Jade, loved her in AEW and I’m so happy she is getting the rollout like she is in WWE so far. I hope they stick the landing with her debut and it will be off to the races.


Chad Gable and Otis are set to take on Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci. Kaiser stops Vinci at the bottom of the ramp, making him wait for Kaiser to go first. GUNTHER has told Kaiser he is in charge of getting Vinci’s head into the game since he has lost quite a bit recently. But Vinci has to reign in Kaiser’s wandering eye on Maxxine. Gable showing off more of his incredible technique, throwing Vinci around the ring with suplexes left and right. Vinci hits a nice clothesline but Kaiser demands to be tagged in to takeover. Kaiser pushes Gable off into Vinci, which knocks Vinci off the apron. Gable tags in Otis while Kaiser has no one to tag in! Otis does some truly wild moves including rolling through a Kaiser attack and then hitting a discus lariat to lay him out. Otis hits the Caterpillar on Kaiser to the approval of Maxxine. Otis has Kaiser on the top rope for a fall-away slam, but Vinci grabs Otis leg, which allows Kaiser to fall on Otis off the top. Gable takes out Vinci, but Kaiser hits his kicking finisher on Otis for the three!


We see a recap of the excellent Extreme Rules match between Becky Lynch and Tiffany Stratton at NXT No Mercy. We then she the gruesome laceration that Becky suffered. Adam Pearce is backstage with Tegan Nox, telling her that with Becky’s injured unfortunately the match between her and Becky has to be postponed. Chelsea Green comes in and says that Nox must be in here to complain about the postponement. Hilarious. Nox says that now that her schedule is clear, why don’t her and Chelsea go out to the ring tonight and go one on one. Pearce makes it official and Chelsea says she is going to talk to management.


Cedric Alexander is alive! And he takes it right to Reed with a suicide dive followed by a tope to topple Reed. Cedric tries for a springboard move but Reed just forearms him. But look at this! Cedric hits the springboard back elbow for a two count. Could Cedric do this?? Well Reed answers that question with a standing crossbody to snuff out any momentum Cedric had built. Reed climbs the ropes and hits the Tsunami for the three count. Really fun quick match, I guess I wouldn’t call it a squash since Cedric got in a good amount of offense. More matches like that please. It doesn’t hurt Reed at all, if anything it makes the win more impressive.


We see a recap of Drew McIntyre’s business last week with the New Day and the Miz. Drew is backstage with Adam Pearce, Drew tells Pearce that he isn’t doing Miz TV tonight. He did it last week because he thought the fans deserved it, but he isn’t doing it again. He will go out there and say what he has to say, but if Miz shows his face he will be put down. Pearce says he doesn’t want to overstep but asks if Drew is okay. Drew says he is, he doesn’t recall anyone asking if he was okay when the Bloodline was beating him down. Excellent!


Adam Pearce is out to moderate the contract signing, hope my man is getting paid extra. Tommaso Ciampa is out first, commentary talks about his legacy of gold throughout his career with the exception of here on Monday Night Raw. They are really putting over how hungry Ciampa is for a title. GUNTHER is out next looking sharp in a suit with his prized possession. Ciampa says the difference between him and GUNTHER is ever since GUNTHER has come to the WWE he has been served nothing but five course meals. Guys like Ciampa are served nothing but roadkill and expected to turn it into filet. “If we do that enough times, then and only then are we given the chance to eat five course meals.” Ciampa says next week he isn’t just fighting for his family or the fans, but for the five year old boy he was that dreamed about becoming Intercontinental champion. Incredible passion from Ciampa here as he signs the contract. GUNTHER says Ciampa showing up dressed in street clothes for this contract signing tells him everything he needs to know about him. GUNTHER respects Ciampa for his noble motives. GUNTHER fights for what is near and dear to him – the Intercontinental Championship. “I am the greatest and longest reigning Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion of all time.” Ciampa interrupts and says GUNTHER seems so confident for someone whose whole world is about to crumble when Ciampa takes his championship. GUNTHER says this is the closest Ciampa will get to the championship. Ciampa points out the contract still isn’t signed, and challenges GUNTHER to put the title on the line tonight. GUNTHER says he thinks Ciampa should prove it and signs the contract. Pearce announces the title will be on the line tonight! GUNTHER tries for a cheapshot on Ciampa but Ciampa launches at the champion. Ciampa gets GUNTHER into the Sicilian Stretch and almost gets him to tap out. We have a title match tonight!


Damian Priest is pissed about not being able to fight tonight but then being made to defend his titles at Fastlane. JD mentions this could work and Priest looks like he could kill him. Rhea points out that JD is right, they want Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn to not be on the same page as Cody and Jey. JD says there is no way Sami and Kevin will love Cody and Jey challenging for the championships. Rhea says “this could be the wedge that drives them apart.” Priest admits its not a bad point and says he needs to think about it.


Fresh off an incredible match a few weeks ago with Kofi Kingston, Ivar looks to get the win over Xavier Woods. They mention on commentary that Ivar will have to go it alone for awhile as the New Day put Erik on the shelf. Ivar has Woods on the outside against the LED board and goes for a crossbody. Woods moves and Ivar crashes right into it. Woods tries to pick Ivar over his shoulders but Ivar is too big…or is he?! Woods powers through and is able to lift and slam Ivar to the mat. Incredible reaction for Woods picking up the much larger man. Ivar goes up for the moonsault but Woods cuts him off. He tries to powerbomb Ivar but Ivar hits the sitout move and squashes Woods. Ivar tries to follow up with the splash but Woods moves out of the way. Ivar picks Woods up but Woods rolls Ivar up for the three count! Ivar immediately goes for the revenge attack but Kofi comes in for the save. Ivar hits his spinning kick to Kofi and then to Woods laying out both members of the New Day. Ivar powerbombs Kofi onto Woods and then climbs up to the top. Oh my god, Ivar hits moonsault on both men! I wish Woods and Ivar had gotten some more time for their match, but I’m happy Woods got the win and Ivar got to look badass in defeat.


We see a video package for the Last Man Standing match at Fastlane between Shinsuke Nakamura and Seth Rollins. Nakamura says that he wants nothing more than to be the straw that breaks Seth Rollin’s back, but he has respect. “I dealt the hand, and you showed me all your cards.” Nakamura says he wanted Last Man Standing so that Seth will never walk again. A conclusion that will make Seth’s daughter ashamed to look at him. Good lord that’s a wild thing to say.


Michael Cole is in the ring and introduces the World Heavyweight Champion Seth “Freakin” Rollins. Cole lists off some of Seth’s nicknames and mentions puppeteer. He says with Nakamura’s actions lately it seems like Seth is more like the puppet. Seth says Cole clearly hasn’t been watching the show because Seth has been asking Nakamura for this match for weeks and he finally got it. Cole says Seth is a first ballot Hall of Famer but this is a Last Man Standing match. They are really putting over that Seth has never been in a Last Man Standing match. Cole says we all know Seth’s back is hanging on by a thread and his career could end at Fastlane. Cole asks Seth why is he putting himself through this all. In a great moment, the crowd sings Seth’s song as an answer. Seth says he doesn’t know how to put it into words. He asks Cole how long Cole has been announcing. Cole says its been twenty six years. Seth asks Cole how many shows Cole has missed and the answer is two. Seth says then Cole gets it. He, like Seth, is addicted to it. “When they sing my song, I love that I need that.” Seth says this ring has given him everything. And as World Heavyweight Champion, all the responsibility amplifies. So if Fastlane really is his last ride, it doesn’t really matter because he will have left it in the ring. Seth says the answer isn’t words it’s just a feeling “and it feels right.” Nakamura comes on the screen and says he is tired of of the nonsense from Seth. Nakamura ponders if maybe the back injury is is all a lie. Maybe Seth just wants sympathy. They keep cutting away from the subtitles so it’s hard to keep up with what he is saying. Nakamura comes from behind and attacks Seth. He hits a Kinshasa on Seth and video Nakamura starts counting to ten. Seth gets up at seven but Nakamura has a chair and starts wailing away on Seth’s back. Nakamura calls for video Nakamura to start the count, but Seth once again gets up before the count of ten. Nakamura doesn’t care, he takes Seth and hits a backbreaker on the folded out chair. Then Nakamura hits a Kinshasa to lay out Seth. Nak grabs the mic and counts to ten! This was good stuff. I mean we’ve seen Seth in some insane matches so it’s not like he doesn’t know what it’s like to be in tough gimmick matches. But they’ve decided to go with this back angle and I love that they’ve stuck with it.


Tegan Nox is getting ready for her match backstage. Becky comes up and apologizes for not being cleared, but says Nox probably wanted to face the best version of Becky, which Nox agrees. Becky goes to leave and runs into Natalya. Natalya stares down Becky and then brushes by her to talk to Nox. She tells Nox that she is really sorry that her title match got postponed, and she is really proud of all Nox has done. Natalya says they got off on the wrong foot and wishes her luck tonight. Nox appreciates Natalya saying that. Hmm obviously Natalya is up to something.


Chelsea starts the match off with a big boot but then takes the time to try and celebrate with Piper Niven (key word try.) Chelsea is too busy trying to get Piper involved, and eats a dive from Nox off the apron. Piper attempts to cause a distraction but here is Natalya! She runs down to the ring to back off Piper. Nox hits the Molly-go-round on Chelsea, followed by the Shining Wizard for the three count. Okay! Not much of a match but glad Nox got to wrestle and win. I am definitely intrigued by this Natalya and Nox pairing though.


Byron Saxton is backstage with Main-Event Jey Uso. He asks Jey where his head is out. Jey says when Cody invited him to Monday Night Raw, it was for something new. When Jey was with the Bloodline, Cody was the enemy. But now the Judgment Day is the enemy and has him and Cody on the same page. So Cody and Jey are good. And if it’s for the tag titles? They’re good.


Drew asks San Jose “what should we talk about?” LOL He says everyone is asking Drew to explain himself. Drew says he doesn’t owe anyone in the back an explanation. The only people he owes anything to is his fans. The truth is Drew is going to stop being the savior. With all his responsibilities in and out of the ring, Drew ends up showing up not 100%, so he is done with it. And now that he isn’t saving the day, he’s noticed no one else is stepping up and saving the day. He calls the rest of the lockerroom a bunch of hypocrites. Drew says of course except Cody, but that’s because he is cleaning up his own mess. Oooh Drew mentions the Codyverse. He says forgiving Jey Uso is weakness not strength. This is a great promo…and then the Miz is here. Miz says he must be really strong because he doesn’t forgive Drew for cancelling on him this week. Drew tells Miz to bugger off but Miz does not take that advice. Drew asks if the Miz wants him to be the bad guy? Does he want him to attack Seth Rollins backstage? No, that’s not the kind of man Drew is. He racks up wins in the ring. Drew then challenges Miz to a match right now. Miz says they are not dressed for match. Miz says Drew is pandering to the audience. Miz says he was wrong in calling Drew the Batman of the WWE. Drew is the Two Face of the WWE. Right now it’s “Good Drew” but if someone gets beaten up in the next hour it’ll be “Bad Drew.” Miz feigns walking away from the fight before ambushing Drew with a mic. That…doesn’t work. Drew unloads on Miz in the corner until referees come down to separate them.


The Miz is wrestling in a full suit lol Really loved the promo earlier by Drew, saying he is tired of being the savior but saying that doesn’t make him a bad guy. Miz was a great person to come out and call Drew on some of his BS though. Miz gets some offense in before Drew gets the upperhand. Drew grabs the sword! Is he…gonna stab the Miz? The referee takes the sword from him and oh boy. Drew takes this as a chance to remove the turnbuckle in the opposite corner. Drew drives the Miz into the exposed turnbuckle and then hits a Future Shock DDT for the win. Drew grabs the mic after the match and says he isn’t the person he was thirty seconds ago and he is sorry. “Now that I’ve apologized I’m automatically forgiven! YAY!” Awesome stuff, this slow burn heel turn has been a huge highlight.


Jackie Redmond is backstage with the NEW NXT North American Champion Trick Williams. Trick introduces himself to Jackie and the rest of the world. “I’ve got gold on my ears, gold on my wrist, and most importantly gold around my waist.” Dominik interrupts with JD and Rhea in tow. Trick says Dominik looks a lot more confident with Rhea in tow. Rhea promises Dominik won’t be alone tomorrow night. Side note, they showed the recap of Trick winning the title and Wade Barrett did an impression of Booker T doing Trick’s entrance. It’s must see. Incredible stuff.


Jackie Redmond is busy, she is now on the ramp and introduces Cody Rhodes who certainly has a lot to talk about. Jackie asks if Cody feels backed into teaming with Jey this Saturday. Cody says no, and that the Judgment Day are the ones who should feel backed in. Cody says he heard Judgment Day will be on Smackdown this Friday and so will he. But he isn’t coming alone, Jey Uso will be with him. Very interesting there, I’m wondering how much if any interaction Jey has with the rest of the Bloodline.


Alpha Academy are backstage with Otis apologizing for the loss tonight to Gable. Gable says its okay and that he is keeping track of all of the idiots who have been slighting them. Gable starts yelling and repeating himself, uh oh that Intercontinental title loss may have snapped something inside Gable.


I’m really surprised they moved this match up to tonight. I’m curious if it’s for a specific reason or if that was always the plan to have Ciampa bait GUNTHER into a match tonight. Either way this should be an absolute barn-burner. During the introductions Ciampa pushes GUNTHER but GUNTHER just laughs. I like that Ciampa is VERY confident but GUNTHER isn’t too phased. He really shouldn’t be, in his head there hasn’t been anyone able to beat him so why should he think Ciampa has a shot. Ciampa starts by throwing hands but then immediately tries to wrestle GUNTHER down for the Sicilian Stretch. The champion has the size advantage and is able to power out. Ciampa tries for the Sicilian Stretch again and this time almost has it locked in. All the sudden GUNTHER looks a little less confident. Ciampa goes for a clothesline but GUNTHER catches him with a sleeper and that could be it! Ciampa’s history of neck issues has to make this sit-out sleeper much more painful. Ciampa fights out but eats a big boot for his efforts. For a third time Ciampa goes for and now gets GUNTHER in the Sicilian Stretch. He doesn’t fully have it in for long enough and the long legs of GUNTHER reach the ropes for the break. Now the champion is pissed, pulling Ciampa out and hitting some massive chops as we head to break. Back from break and GUNTHER is laying in the chops but Ciampa is giving them right back. My god GUNTHER just picks up Ciampa and carries him across the ring to the top rope and chops him. Viscous doesn’t do GUNTHER justice. On the outside, GUNTHER goes for a chop to Ciampa but he ducks and GUNTHER connects with only the announce table. GUNTHER gets back into the ring and eats a running knee from Ciampa. The challenger takes GUNTHER back outside and rams his right hand again and again onto the announce table. GUNTHER’s main weapon may be compromised. Ciampa hits Willow’s Bell! One…two…no! Ciampa stays on GUNTHER and tries for the Fairy Tale Ending but GUNTHER blocks. Ciampa grabs the bad hand of GUNTHER and goes after it. He stomps it over and over and then goes right to stomping the head of GUNTHER. Ciampa pulls down the knee pad and wants the running knee but GUNTHER counters with the shotgun dropkick! GUNTHER is favoring his right hand. He goes for the powerbomb on Ciampa but his hand gives out! Ciampa hits a reverse DDT on GUNTHER and follows it up by the running knee. One…two….NO! Still not enough, but oh boy that was close. Ciampa stomps the hand and head but GUNTHER reverses and hits a chop with the bad hand. He powers through and hits a sleeper suplex. That only gets a two count! GUNTHER goes for a lariat but Ciampa blocks it by hitting the bad hand. Ciampa is able to lock in the Sicilian Stretch for the fourth time tonight. GUNTHER rolls back for a pin but Ciampa rolls back into the Stretch. GUNTHER is in pure agony but once again the long legs of the champion save him with a rope break. Ciampa feels like he is just one second away from becoming champion. Both men are back to their feet and Ciampa is the one chopping GUNTHER! The champion is trying to use his bad hand for chops but it continues to hinder him. GUNTHER tries for a powerbomb but the hand isn’t holding up. He tries to hoist him up, and on the second lift hits it! GUNTHER follows that one up and hits a second powerbomb. GUNTHER grabs the sleeper hold and after surviving as long as he could, Ciampa passes out. AND STILL, GUNTHER retains.

Kaiser and Vinci run down to the ring and start to maul Ciampa in the ring as GUNTHER walks to the back. OH MAN JOHNNY GARGANO IS BACK. Gargano runs through and spears Kaiser and super kicks Vinci! DIY is back together. Really wish Gargano still had his original song, but it was still great to see DIY back together on screen. Man what a match GUNTHER and Ciampa had. I’m salivating thinking of the kind of World title defenses GUNTHER is going to have on PPV’s. WWE is in really good hands with the Ring General.

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