Welcome to WrestlePurists’ Coverage of the December 12th episode of WWE NXT.
The show kicks off with Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes walking in the parking lot as they are greeted by reporters. They ask Trick how it feels to be the winner of the Iron Survivor Challenge. He begins to put himself over as Melo walks out of the scene. We then see a highlight package from Deadline.
We come back from the video package to Carmelo Hayes who has apparently been jumped in the locker room. Officials come to his aid as Trick Williams goes off, wondering what happened.
Cora Jade In Ring Promo
Cora Jade is in the ring announcing her official return to NXT after four months of being away. She says the women’s division is more fun when she’s around. She puts over the Iron Survivor Challenge match from Deadline but says that nobody was talking about the match, but they were talking about Cora Jade. This brings out women’s champion, Lyra Valkyria. Lyra tells her that nothing with Cora has changed and that she will always take short cuts. She says that things in NXT have changed since she has been gone. Out comes Blair Davenport. Blair reminds us that she was the winner of the Iron Survivor Challenge. She says at New Year’s Evil she will become the champion she was destined to be. Lyra says she will never take the title from her. This brings out Nikita Lyons who comes out to confront Davenport. A small brawl breaks out and Lyra and Nikita stand tall.
We then see footage from Deadline where Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen brawl with The Meta Four.
Kelly Kincaid interviews Dragon Lee. She asks Lee about winning the NXT North American Championship at Deadline. He says he is proud to have won but knows that it came at the expense of Wes Les. He then wishes Wes Lee well and says he will be a fighting champion. He then says we will find out who his first challenger will be in the ring tonight.
Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen and Fallon Henley Defeat The Meta Four (Noam Dar, Josh Briggs & Lash Legend)
This 6 person tag match was a fine way to start off tonight’s action. They pulled some decent time with this one. Towards the end of the match, Tiffany Stratton came down to fight Fallon Henley. The two battled all the way to the back. Despite being down a partner, Briggs wins this match with a big boot, pinning Noam Dar.
We then head backstage to Carmelo Hayes who is being looked at by a medical trainer. The trainer clears Melo for action. Trick is encouraged by the news but asks Melo if he knows who attacked him. Melo says he thinks he might and that since he’s cleared, he is going to the ring to call them out.
We meet the competitors for the upcoming Men’s NXT Breakout Tournament. After they are introduced, Lexis King comes out and hits poor Troy Bearhill with a steel chair. Lexis King is a MENACE. Someone please stop this strangely bearded man.
NXT Men’s Breakout Tournament Match: Oba Femi Defeats Myles Borne
Both of these guys look impressive, despite their inexperience. Oba Femi looks to be a favorite to win this tournament. Dude is an absolute beast.
We catch up with Lyra Valkyria and Nikita Lyons in the locker room. Lyra says that she has people coming at her from all sides and that she will not let Cora Jade’s return poison the women’s division.
Nikkita makes it clear that she wants Blair Davenport. Then Lyra finds out that Tatum Paxley has pasted her face over Becky’s on a photo hanging in her locker.
Dragon Lee comes to the ring for an open challenge for his NXT North American Championship. Tyler Bate answers the call.
NXT North American Championship Match: Dragon Lee Defeats Tyler Bate
This was a fun match. Both of these men are incredible athletes and are a joy to watch. After plenty of back and forth action, Dragon Lee retains by hitting Operation Dragon and securing the pinfall. After the match, Lee and Bate hug in the middle of the ring.
Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen and Fallon Henley are discussing their victory over the Meta Four. Briggs then says he wants the NXT Heritage Cup. Jensen and Fallon are game.
Lexis King and Ava Raine are talking outside of Shawn Michaels’ office. Ava tells Lexis that the competitors in the men’s breakout tournament all want him in the tournament because they want to fight him. He agrees to enter and will replace Troy Bearhill in the first round.
Eddy Thorpe Defeats Dijak by DQ
The match never really got started. Dijak jumped Thorpe before the bell and once it did start, the turnbuckle broke. Dijak used the broken turnbuckle and rope as a weapon as was DQ’d. Dijak continues to attack Thorpe as officals come to his aid.
Chase U Segment
Andre Chase and the students discuss how much money they have made in their recent endeavors. Duke Hudson does not seem motivated to help as it isn’t much. Jacy Jayne and Thea Hail take off. Scrypts walks in with a small case. He places the case in front of Andre and says he has a proposition for him.
We see Cora Jade and Blair Davenport talking in the locker room. They are discussing their upcoming match and agree to take care of their respective opponents.
NXT Men’s Breakout Tournament Match: Riley Osborne Defeats Keanu Carver
Keanu Carver is impressive. Another potential monster on the roster. Riley Osborne shows off some athleticism and wins with a shooting star press.
Dragon Lee is backstage when he is approached by Charlie Dempsey, Damon Kemp, Myles Borne and Drew Gulak. After some ribbing, Lee agrees to another open challenge for next week.
Riley Osborne is backstage when Thea Hail approaches. She clearly has a crush on Osborne and is struggling to converse with him as Jacy Jayne watches on. Kiana James and Izzi Dame approach and tell Thea that she is out of her league.
Cora Jade & Blair Davenport Defeats Nikita Lyons & Lyra Valkyria
Towards the end of this match, Tatum Paxley comes through the crowd and distracts Lyra. After a little more back and forth between the teams, Cora Jade is able to score a quick pinfall over Lyra.
After the match, Tatum Paxley comes into the ring and throws Lyons out. She then comes up and starts petting a freaked out Lyra.
Hank and Tank Ledger are backstage when Gallus approach. The two groups begin arguing about next week’s match. Suddenly, Joe Gacy appears operating a forklift. He talks about his cup of coffee and walks away.
Trick Williams In Ring Promo
Trick says Deadline was a movie. He says he has nothing but love for the boys and that they put on a banger. He says the match was one of the best of the year. He says Trick Williams has been ballin his whole life. He says he is Trick James, bitch. Massive pop. He says he’s the hottest NXT star under the sun. Out comes Ilja Dragunov.
Ilja says that he is proud of Trick. He says that Trick is riding a wave of momentum never seen before. He shakes Trick’s hand. He says that at New Year’s Evil, it comes to an end. Trick says that he is the man at NXT and that in 3 weeks he is going to beat the best NXT has to offer and that he will be the new NXT Champion. Ilja says that he has suffered too much and that he will do whatever it takes to remain champion. Out comes Carmelo Hayes..
Melo apologizes for interrupting but says he has business to take care of. He says he knows who attacked Trick because it’s the same person that jumped him. He claims that it was Ilja who took both of them out. He says he out the pieces together and that Ilja has been the one driving them apart. Ilja says that Melo is delusional. Melo says that it was Ilja’s plan all along. Ilja thinks Melo was the one. Melo goes after the belt and as he pulls the belt away he accidentally hits Trick with it. The show ends with Melo standing between Ilja and Williams. A solid ending to a very good episode.