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Welcome to the Wrestlepurists’ live coverage for Monday Night Raw for the December 4th, 2023 episode.


We are kicking things off with Drew McIntyre welcoming all of us to the show. He says it feels like everyone on Raw has lost their mind. Drew says you can get fired or quit, do whatever you want for years on end, and come back completely forgiven. Huge CM Punk chants there lol Drew is pissed off that he pinned Jey Uso a few weeks back yet Jey is the one with the title shot tonight. Drew turns his attention to Sami Zayn who comes down to the ring for what I’m sure will be a friendly conversation. Sami tells Drew to say what he has to say to Sami’s face. Drew says Sami is the one person in the world who deserved to be screwed over by the Bloodline. Drew points out that Sami was apart of the Bloodline, and then decided to screw them over. Sami says he was wrong last week, Drew and him are nothing alike. Sami isn’t someone who points a finger at everyone else for their personal shortcomings. Sami says he got to make his family proud in the main-event of Wrestlemania. “Do you think you made your family proud Drew?” That hit a nerve and Drew demands a referee comes down now for their scheduled match.


Drew immediately throws Sami across the ring with a belly to belly. The two fight back and forth before Sami hits his dive over the ropes to send us to our first commercial break. Back from break and Sami uses his agility to steady himself on the barricade and hit a moonsault on Drew. Commentary brings up Drew being left off the Royal Rumble poster as another reason he is so fed up. Sami is selling the ankle after coming off the top and landing awkwardly. My god, Drew catches Sami with two more belly to belly throws that look more impressive each time. Drew is on the outside and catches Sami off a dive. He backs Sami up and straight up flings him onto the announce table. Drew is just beating the hell out of Sami and his body is showing the signs of the abuse. Drew has Sami up on the top rope for a Super White Noise but Sami rolls through and hits a sunset flip bomb for a close two count. The two trade blows before Drew hits the Glasgow Kiss to create separation. Drew attempts the Claymore but Sami blocks with a kick of his own. Sami hits the Blue Thunder Bomb for another two count! Sami goes for his springboard reversal where he jumps backwards over his opponent but lands on the bad ankle. Sami is trying to stand on it but keeps collapsing. Drew sees red and goes right for the leg. Sami has to use the referee just to stand up and Drew nails him with a Claymore for the win. Awesome, this was another great match with these two and the ankle/leg injury allowing Drew to show just how ruthless his character has become.


Shayna Baszler is getting ready for her match when Zoey Stark comes into frame. Not wanting to be left out, Byron Saxton comes in and asks Shayna for her thoughts. Shayna says she is the one who took out Nia Jax two years ago. Tonight it’s going to be the same thing, limb by limb.


We see a video package for Jey Uso. He says he never thought he’d get another shot at a World Title after Jimmy Uso cost him the match against Roman Reigns at Summerslam. Jey says tonight he proves to Seth Rollins, to his family, and to himself why they call himself “Main Event” Jey Uso. I’m fired up!


Jackie Redmond is backstage about to get a word with Sami Zayn who is being looked at by WWE medical. Before she can get over there Drew comes back in and ambushes him. He yells at Sami that he should have never talked about Drew’s family and that the two of them are nothing alike. Drew gives Sami’s ankle one big stomp before officials run in. Man Drew was not playing around. You know I could get down with Jey winning the title from Seth, Drew winning it from Jey, and then Sami winning it from Drew at Mania.

Back from break we see a recap of the attack. Medical is trying to take care of Sami who looks completely dejected. Jey comes into frame and tells him it’s going to be okay.


Byron Saxton welcomes Becky Lynch and asks her…well he doesn’t because Nia Jax is here. Nia asks if he is included in those couple of fights Becky mentioned last week. Becky says absolutely, she still owes Nia a receipt from when Nia broke Becky’s nose.


Shayna starts the match trying to strike and move but makes a mistake when she attempts a triangle choke in the corner. Nia powers Shayna up and powerbombs her to the mat to break the hold. The two quickly find their way to the outside with Shayna driving Nia back first into the ring post. Shayna is going to try and break Nia’s arm again! Nia was ready for it this time and sends Shayna crashing on the apron. Nia has Shayna’s head up against the post and nails her with a running hip attack. I’m surprised Shayna is still fighting back. Nia hits a Samoan Drop and sets Shayna up in the corner. Nia misses the hip attack and Shayna connects with a running knee. Nia hits a body attack followed by a running senton. She drags Shayna over for the Annihilator but Shayna is up and picks the leg. A big assisted German suplex! Shayna locks in the Kirifuda Clutch. Nia somehow fights to her feet and falls back to squash Shayna. She pulls Shayna back to the corner and hits the Annihilator for the win. Here comes Becky! Nia dips as soon as Becky gets in the ring, when they fight it’ll be on her time.


We see a CM Punk video package highlighting his return at Survivor Series and his promo from last Monday. The promo is infinitely better when you don’t have to wait three hours for it. I’m just ready for him to have a feud where he can sink his teeth into the promos. Michael Cole mentions that CM Punk is a free agent and wonders what the General Managers will offer to get him to sign. After losing Randy Orton to Smackdown, it would make total sense for Adam Pearce to offer Punk a title match at the Royal Rumble.


Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano are backstage when Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell come in and tell them they will be backstage watching their two out of three falls match. They mock the Imperium pose as Giovanni Vinci and Ludwig Kaiser come in. The teams exchange insults before Kaiser tells Vinci not to mess this up for him. Vinci tells Kaiser that he has it, he hopes Kaiser does as well.


Some excellent history in two out of three falls matches for DIY, let’s see if they can make the same magic here tonight with Imperium. Vinci hits a sudden crossbody that runs right through Ciampa. Gargano is taking out both members of Imperium before tagging Ciampa in for Meet in the Middle. Vinci pulls Gargano out of the ring and Kaiser rolls up Ciampa. Kaiser grabs the tights and Imperium grabs the first fall. DIY hits two dives on Imperium as they head to break down one fall to none. Imperium get a taste of their own medicine when Ciampa holds onto Kaiser’s leg as Gargano gets a victory roll on Vinci to win the second fall. We are all tied up. Ciampa has Vinci up in a back suplex and Gargano jumps off in an almost spear/powerbomb position. Really fun double team moves from both teams tonight. Imperium go for their finisher but Gargano fights out. He sends Vinci out of the ring but Kaiser scoops Gargano up and hits the Fireman’s Carry driver on Gargano for a two. My goodness Vinci hits a springboard moonsault off the top rope and that my have been the prettiest moonsault I’ve seen in ages. Please look that up if you didn’t watch live! All four men are in the ring just laying in shots now. Ciampa hits a top rope air raid crash and then tags in Gargano to set up their finish. Vinci once again pulls Ciampa out but this time Ciampa is ready for it. Kaiser rolls up Gargano but Johnny Wrestling counters. Gargano and Ciampa trade kicks on Kaiser and then Meet in the Middle! That’s it, DIY have won the third fall and in turn won the match two falls to one. Really fun match, they probably could have given these teams some more time with fall number two but a much needed big win for DIY. On the outside, Vinci yells at Kaiser that he will have to explain this to GUNTHER.


Tegan Nox and Natalya are getting ready backstage while Chelsea Green and Piper Niven come in to insult them. Green says no one is buying this team and for them to move on. Nox feigns a punch and Green screams for Piper to protect her.


We see a recap of the Creed Brothers winning the Tag Team Turmoil last week. Backstage the Creed’s are squatting with the New Day on their shoulders. Alpha Academy come in to join in on the advice giving. Julius says Ivy Nile is going to neutralize Rhea Ripley for them. The segment ends with Maxxine squatting Tozawa lol


Backstage in the Judgment Day layer and R-Truth is hanging out trying to get an old TV to work. Damien Priest, Dominik Mysterio, and JD McDonagh are furious. Priest tells R-Truth to get out of their room. R-Truth says “yea JD, no one wants you in here!” LOL We find out Priest wants to handle Drew but Dominik says that Rhea made it clear no one lays a hand on Drew. Priest is getting sick and tired of hearing that. He says Rhea and Finn aren’t here tonight so he is in charge. Uh oh. Priest tells them to take care of the Creed Brothers tonight.


The WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships are on commentary to watch these two teams battle it out. Kaden Carter uses Katana Chance as a weapon early and gets some nearfalls. Nox hits a Molly-Go-Round but Chance breaks it up. Chance and Carter try for a double suplex on Natalya but she fights out and hits a double powerbomb on both woman. I hope they are alright, looks like Chance and Carter’s heads may have hit on the landing. Woah Chance hits her gymnast splash off of Carter onto Natlaya and wins the match. Was not expecting them to win it. Chelsea Green gets up on the apron but Carter launches Chance into Green and sends her to the floor. I think we have new number one contenders. I’m guessing the Nox and Natalya partnership might not be as long for this world as we thought.


Cody Rhodes is here to address Shinsuke Nakamura’s attack from last week. Cody says the first time he laid eyes on the poison mist he was a little boy and he was terrified. It was from the Great Muta. Now that Cody has experienced it first hand, his fears were justified. Cody says he should have seen it coming with the clues from Nakamura (should he have?) Cody tells Nakamura he could either come down here and explain himself, or they could fight right now. Of course Nakamura opts for a video package. Nakamura says last week he made Cody’s eyes burn, but tonight he will open them. Nakamura says that like Cody, he won the Royal Rumble, but they both failed to win at Wrestlemania. “Cody, we suffered the same humiliation.” Nakmura says he is awake and now he will unburden Cody. “I never got to finish my story, so now I will finish yours.” The video stops and Cody looks behind him but no Nakamura. Cody says they may have had similar paths but until they stand in this ring together he doesn’t respect him. Cody has never run from a fight in his life. “You keep saying were the same? Prove it!” Okay that was great. I’m weary of the Nakamura stuff because he usually ends up losing feuds but that was excellent reasoning and Cody is fired up enough to get this where it needs to be.


Adam Pearce is on the phone asking for information on Sami as soon as they get it. Jey comes in and says if the Drew problem isn’t solved he might have to get him too. Pearce says the last thing Jey needs tonight is to be distracted. Well maybe ban him from the building then ADAM!? Jey leaves and GUNTHER comes in. He wants to talk about his next opponent. We don’t get to hear about that though as we go to…


The young boys of the Judgment Day are here. Without Rhea and Finn it really does feel like the older brother is trying to be in charge. R-Truth comes down to the ring I guess to cheer on his fellow Judgment Day members. The Creed’s dominate the early part of the match before Dominik gets a cheap shot in and JD hits a dive. It’s a formula they follow but I like it, JD gets his ass kicked until Dominik cheats and then JD is able to get to work. R-Truth has a Judgment Day t-shirt on and Wade Barrett calls him a fringe member lol Dominik and JD dominated all break but Brutus hits a stalling suplex on the NXT North American Champion and is able to make the tag. Julius comes in and just starts throwing suplexes. He’s not even breaking a sweat. Another moment of Dominik getting a cheap shot and the Judgment Day take back the advantage. That is short lived as Julius criss-crosses both men and hits a double suplex. Brutus pounces Dominik on the outside into the announce table! He runs back to the ring and hits the Brutus Ball onto JD for the win. Another great win for the Creed Brothers. Commentary is putting these guys over huge and it’s great. The things they are doing are really impressive, but hearing Cole and Barrett being blown away by them really makes them standout.


We see a recap of Randy Orton making his decision to sign with Smackdown this past Friday. Really excellent segment and made all the sense in the world. Like I said earlier, going to assume this leads to Raw making Punk an offer he can’t refuse.


Seth Rollins is getting ready for his title match as Adam Pearce walks in. Pearce says he wanted Seth to hear it from him. He invited CM Punk to Raw next week and he intends to sign him to an exclusive Monday Night Raw contract. Seth laughs and says he doesn’t care. All he asks is that when Punk shows the world his true colors and all of this blows up in Pearce’s face, that he stays out of Seth’s way when he does what he has to do. Awesome! Jey Uso comes into frame and Pearce leaves. The two talk a little trash. They may be friendly but they are both going for the juggler tonight. Jey say’s “It’s my night!” as he walks off. They’ve done an excellent job of making this match feel as big as it should.


Priest asks JD and Dominik what happened? JD blames R-Truth but Dominik admits that the Creed Brothers are the real deal. JD relents that they are indeed the real deal. He tells Priest that Priest and Balor will handle business, but it’ll be a challenge. I love how much they are putting the Creeds over. Why wouldn’t you? Probably the best thing about Triple H having the pen. NXT callups are no longer DOA.


This is the big one folks. I didn’t come into tonight thinking Seth would lose but the more I think about it the more I think there is at least a possibility. Let’s see! Wow Cole says that Seth hasn’t been pinned in a one on one match since the first of this year. The two trade pinfall attempts early and this crowd is HYPED. Barrett brings up that he got a few WWE title shots in 2010 and he always thought he would get more. He never did, so for someone like Jey this truly could be his last shot. Seth wants a back suplex but Jey floats over and hits a pop up neckbreaker for a two count. The crowd is oscillating between chants for Jey, Seth, and CM Punk. Seth wants a pedigree on the apron but Jey fights out of it. Seth counters the counter and has Jey loaded up for a buckle bomb to the barricade. Jey slips out and counters that into a DDT onto the floor to send us to break. Back from break and these two exchange strikes. Seth gets the best of Jey and sends him to the outside. The champion follows up with a suicide dive. He goes for another one but Jey follows him back into the ring and clotheslines Seth over the top. Jey hits his own suicide dive. Now it’s Jey’s turn to run back into the ring for a follow up dive but Seth is right behind him. The two duck each other twice before colliding in the middle of the ring. These two are rocking each other with kicks until Jey knocks Seth down with a superkick. He quickly climbs the ropes and hits the Uso Splash! But Seth kicks out right before the three. Whew, was that Jey’s best shot? Jey climbs the ropes but he takes too long. Seth runs the ropes and meets him, hitting the superplex and falcon arrow combo. Seth stays on him and plants Jey with the pedigree! But no, that only gets a two. Seth wants the Stomp but Jey moves and Spear! Oooh that one had me. Very close nearfall and we are near the end here folks. Jey goes for another Spear but Seth catches Jey with a kick and then hits a buckle bomb. But Jey rebounds with the Spear! Oh wait, Uso Splash for Jey! Oh my god Seth kicked out!! I…wow I thought we had a new World Champion off the second Uso Splash. The crowd is on their feet. Can I say it? This is real graps. Jey hits a kick on the kneeling Seth but when he goes for the spear Seth catches him with the pedigree. Seth connects with the Stomp and gets the three. What a main-event. They had me a few times and an excellent showing from both men. I probably would have had Jey kick out of at least one Stomp, but that’s such a minor complaint. Jey goes on the outside to give the ring to Seth and Drew is here! He hits a Claymore on Jey. Seth dives onto Drew but he catches the champion and throws him. Drew drives Jey through the announce table and tells him “the truth will set you free.”

Definitely the right call to have Seth win with the stories they are going to tell, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want Jey to win that one. Maybe one day.

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