It’s Wednesday, you know what that means. As we are two weeks away from the big Wembley stadium show, there is much to be excited about. The card has slowly been put together over the past few weeks and more is expected to be announced tonight. Jim Ross sits down with Kenny Omega to figure out what his plans are for the big event. Chris Jericho also gives his answer to Don Callis on whether or not he is joining his faction, which will surely go hand-in-hand with the Ocho’s Wembley plans. Exciting matches are also on the card for this “Fight for the Fallen” edition of Dynamite which includes Orange Cassidy defending his International title against Wheeler Yuta, The Young Bucks facing the Gunn Club, and more!
Cassidy and Yuta have a lot of history together and it was evident in that ring. The work looked a bit snugger and grittier. The bumps on the outside were also well executed, with Yuta selling a suplex on the floor excellently well. The last sequence of the match teased a Yuta upset until Cassidy was able to steal it with a roll-up. Post-match it was complete chaos as The Best Friends, Blackpool Combat Club, and the Lucha Bros all went to blows. After the BCC circled the ring on the Lucha Bros, Eddie Kingston made his long-awaited return. Kingston called out the BCC and made the challenge for a Stadium Stampede match for All In. Kingston, Lucha Bros, Best Friends, and Orange Cassidy against The BCC and whoever they can find to join them. There are three slots to fill on Team BCC which can make for some potential big surprises.
Kenny Omega sat down and was interviewed by Jim Ross. Omega discussed his history with Don Callis, dating back to childhood. It didn’t take long for Callis to interrupt the interview. Soon after, Jay White, Juice Robinson, and Konosuke Takeshita proceeded to brutally attack Omega. After the attack, Adam Page, seen in front of an ambulance, threw out the challenge to Robinson, Jay White, and Takeshita for All In. The tag partner Page & Omega are bringing to the table is none other than Kota Ibushi! While many will have wanted an Omega singles match for the event, this announced match is quite the consolation prize.
In the ring, Jericho seemed he was going to reject Callis’ advances, however he eventually agreed to join the family. Jericho wanted to get back to his roots and rekindle his friendship with Callis. The two friends celebrated, however there was framed picture underneath a black cloth in the ring. Callis wanted to go celebrate with Jericho as soon as he could and avoid revealing the picture. Jericho was insistent on seeing it. The picture revealed Don Callis holding Jericho’s severed head. In what was an unexpected turn of events, Callis believed that Jericho was too egotistical to want to join his faction but after Jericho agreed to join, Callis’ plan backfired. Jericho berated Callis, which prompted Callis to slap Jericho in the face. Jericho grabbed Callis and as he was going to attack him, Will Ospreay and Konosuke Takeshita came out. Ospreay beat Jericho to a bloody pulp.
Perry gloated about his victory over Rob Van Dam from last week’s Dynamite. The FTW Champion announced that next week on Dynamite, he will retire the title that he won from Hook just a few weeks ago. Taz was at a loss for words after the segment, obviously because of his connection to the FTW title.
The match was a sprint. It didn’t last very long but Allin and Wayne were made to look great by The Gates of Agony. Allin got the pinfall victory after a coffin drop. Swerve Strickland and AR Fox were going to attack the pair until Sting showed up on the screen. Reminiscent of his old “Joker” character, Sting told Fox to keep eyes on the back of his head. The camera pans back and the audience sees Prince Nana being held by Sting, which gets The Mogul Embassy to slightly panic. Sting is at his most eccentric here and he executed this segment perfectly.
Prior to their in-ring segment, Cole and MJF had another one of their pre-taped bonding segments. This time around the pair played on a lot of Australian stereotypes to prepare themselves for their zero-hour match against Aussie Open for the ROH Tag Titles. The segment was incredibly corny but also charming due to the pair’s fantastic chemistry.
After the commercial break, Cole and MJF made their way to the ring. Both of the wrestlers gave their case on why their match at All In is a must win. Both promos were incredibly passionate and the real-life scenarios that were brought up made all the words that were said that much more meaningful. The segment ended with an Aussie Open ambush, but Cole & MJF fought them off. Cole teased a super-kick on MJF but didn’t go through with it, an interesting follow-up to the teased attack from MJF from weeks prior.
Jericho, interviewed by Renee Paquette, made the challenge to Will Ospreay after the attack from earlier in the night. This was Jericho at his most serious and focused in a long time. We are going to see Ospreay, in his home country against Jericho for All In. What a dream match to have, fitting for the magnitude of this event.
Jeff Hardy made his way to the ring but quickly went through the audience and to the backstage. Jarrett was there waiting for him, and the fight ensued. The two competitors exchanged a few weapon shots before Satnam Singh and Karen Jarrett got involved. However, Jeff Hardy has backup as Isiah Kassidy, Matt Hardy, and Ethan Page came to his aid. The wrestlers then made their way farther in the back, where Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt were. The match was complete chaos, and not in a good way. This was possibly a better choice for Rampage. Jarrett ate a guitar to the head by Jeff Hardy. Soon after, leather face came out with a chainsaw and chased after Karen Jarrett, yes you read that correctly. The distraction allowed Singh, Lethal and Dutt to interfere once again and give Jarrett the win. This was a train-wreck.
Nobody even believed for a second that The Bunny had a chance in this match. She’s barely been built up at all which caused this match not to have any heat. Baker got the win and punched her ticket to All In. Britt Baker vs Saraya vs Toni Storm vs Hikaru Shida is set for All In for the AEW Women’s Title.
The Acclaimed came out for an impromptu match with enhancement talent but before the match began, the lights went out. House of Black appeared and beat up The Acclaimed, even busting open Max Caster with a steel chain. There was no Billy Gunn in sight after the crowd began to chant his name. It’ll be interesting to see if this storyline progresses on Collision and if there is a possible match penciled in either All In or All Out between the two groups, with a returning Billy Gunn possibly.
While the Gunns were making there entrance, the brothers ate superkicks from the Young Bucks. The bell ringed and there was a little over ten minutes left until the show went off the air. However, the match certainly wasn’t bad and it went to high gear after the Nick Jackson hot tag. The Bucks eventually got the win, in a bit of a sloppy sequence at the end. White and Robinson came out right away and pounced on the Young Bucks, who were saved by their All In opponents, FTR. The two babyface teams stared down to end the show in buildup to their long awaited trilogy match.