Welcome to Wrestlepurists’ live coverage of Smackdown for the December 15th, 2023 episode.
Throw up the ones because the Tribal Chief is back! Roman Reigns is here and boy does the show just feel bigger with him on it. . Roman says he is here to celebrate and that it’s “promotion season.” Roman is going on and on about tonight being about one man who has sacrificed so much this year. Jimmy Uso is in the background eating it up. Roman says this man is the next Tribal Heir. “Jimmy…join me in congratulating your brother Solo.” LOL Randy Orton’s music hits and the Viper is not going to waste anytime getting revenge on the Bloodline. Or at least that’s what I thought, because as Randy is slowing walking to the ring we go to a commercial break. Hmm. Back from break and Randy hasn’t even made it to the ring. I get why they broke it up but logically it’s wild. Randy says for eighteen months he has been thinking about this moment. Randy says the only thing he needs to say is that he is coming for Roman. “You took eighteen months away from me, so I’m going to take everything away from you.” Randy tells Roman it starts tonight and it ends at the Royal Rumble, because he is challenging Roman to a match at the Rumble for the title. Roman says he hasn’t thought about Randy at all. Randy hasn’t done anything to earn an opportunity. Roman tells Randy to go to the back of the line. “It’s not 2007 anymore, I’m levels above you and everyone else.” Roman says if they have a match, it wont be another eighteenth month vacation, but a retirement for Randy. Randy says that Roman has evolved. He has evolved into a legend. Randy says he has evolved to. “But the one thing Randy Orton will always be…is a legend killer.” Randy goes for the RKO and Roman barely escapes. Randy says that while Roman may not have been thinking about him, maybe he should have. He ends it with his “Daddy’s back” catchphrase. Solid stuff, the fans are super ready for Orton versus Roman which elevated the segment.
Carmelo Hayes is the NXT competitor in the United States championship contender tournament. Carmelo runs down his accomplishments and says this tournament is his moment. Carmelo tells Logan Paul that he will be the one to show Logan what a generational talent really is.
I know this is a Smackdown review, but I just have to say #JusticeForTrick. During Carmelo’s entrance we see Logan Paul cut a promo on Carmelo, basically calling him a random guy. Wow, to me that means Carmelo not only has a great shot at winning this match, but the whole tournament. Good for Carmelo, just hope they don’t fully pluck him out of NXT before he can finish his story with Trick. Commentary mentions that while Carmelo beat Grayson Waller back in NXT, it was Waller who was drafted. Waller hits a nasty side kick to ground Carmelo. As we head to break Carmelo picks up the pace and hits a springboard shoulder tackle to pick up the advantage. Waller hits, I don’t even know how to describe this other than a cartwheel-esque tornado DDT that plants Carmelo. Innovative stuff from these two, which can’t be easy to do in 2023. Carmelo hits his springboard backwards DDT but that only gets two. Waller goes to the outside and rolls back in for his finish but Carmelo catches him with double knees to the chest. He goes up to the top and hits Nothing But Net for the win! Awesome, couldn’t be a better Smackdown debut than that for HIM.
Randy Orton is walking backstage where he finds LA Knight. Knight asks Randy what time he should set his watch to make the save tonight. Randy tells Knight he doesn’t need his help, but Knight points out the numbers game. Randy says that although they just met, him and Knight are good. If Knight wants to keep it that way, he will stay out of Randy’s way. Knight tells Randy that there is only one man who is going to take everything away from Roman, and it’s him. Perfect! When you have multiple guys gunning for the top like this, having their characters drive their interactions makes for good segments.
While Austin Theory is making his way to the ring, we once again here from Logan Paul who calls Kevin Owens embarrassing for how he dresses. This is a good use of Logan. He’s a great trash talker but in both cases so far it doesn’t make either target look bad. He called Carmelo a random guy and we both know he isn’t from NXT, and he also won his match so even those not familiar with him know he is the real deal. And with Owens, of course the fans know he is legit. Owens has his right hand in a cast and commentary says he has a broken hand. It’s certainly not preventing Owens from hitting a cannonball from the apron on Theory. Oh my god Theory hits his cross-legged suplex/slam onto Owens but he does it on the ring apron. Owens lands back flat and it just looks nasty. Owens fights back and hits a frog-splash but his broken hand hits the mat and he’s not able to make the cover. Owens goes back to the well for a Swanton but Theory gets the knees up. Owens is swinging away with his good hand and the fans are fully behind him. Man everyone is WORKING tonight. Theory hits a seated springboard Spanish fly on Owens but it only gets a two count. Theory attempts a superplex on Owens but he reveres it into a suplex of his own. Owens hits a cannonball in the corner and this time connects with a Swanton but still only gets a two! Love that Owens knew not to go back to the frog splash and risk hurting his hand even more. Owens goes for the Stunner but Theory attacks the broken hand. Theory takes Owens outside and stomps on the hand onto the steel steps. Theory is trying to rip the cast off of Owens but in trying to break free, Owens hits Theory with his cast. After realizing he just used the cast as a weapon, Owens quickly covers Theory for the win! I bit on a bunch of those nearfalls, really fun match between these two. Owens v.s. Carmelo is going to be a fun semi-final!
Roman is in the Bloodline locker-room, saying that Randy completely ruined Solo’s moment. Roman says someone has to silence Randy. Jimmy tells Roman that he could silence Randy, but it sounds more like a job for the Tribal Heir. Roman tells him he wasn’t kidding when he said it was promotion season. If Jimmy is able to take care of Randy by himself, than Jimmy can have whatever he wants. Jimmy likes the sound of that and accidentally lets a “yeet” slip. Roman isn’t happy about that.
We get a video package with Karrion Kross and Scarlett. It looks pretty cool and does a pretty good job of glossing over how disappointing his return run has been. But man, that Adam Cole promo really is going to follow that guy until he can put all the chatter to bed.
Kevin Owens is nursing his hand injury when Cameron Grimes comes in and tells him he wishes he could have punched Austin Theory just like that. Owens thanks him and walks right into an interview with Kayla Braxton. She asks about Carmelo Hayes and Owens mentions that ten years ago Owens walked into Raw and took on John Cena. Carmelo is in a very similar spot, and he is also right next to Owens. Carmelo tells Owens that he has a ton of respect for him but he needs this much more than Owens does.
We see a video of Charlotte Flair’s injury from last week and learn that she will be out of action for awhile. We then cut back to a video package with Damage Ctrl lead by Bayley. Bayley says her mission to create the most dominate women’s faction in history is almost complete. Bayley says that the Kabuki Warriors will capture the tag team championships, while Iyo Sky will continue her dominate reign. A few interesting notes here as after Dakota Kai speaks Bayley says “spoken like a true mastermind.” Bayley declares herself for the Royal Rumble and says when she wins she will challenge Rhea Ripley. The rest of Damage Ctrl seems thrilled at the idea of Bayley on Raw. The turn is coming, I’m assuming they’ll wait till right at or just after the Royal Rumble.
Michin and Zelina Vega jump Asuka and Kairi Sane before their match can even start. But back from break the Kabuki Warriors have regained the upper hand. It’s nice to see Asuka and Kairi back as a tag team, and it probably doesn’t hurt to give Asuka a lighter workload as she heads closer to the end of her career. Zelina gets the hot tag and is all over Kairi. Zelina hits the hammerlock DDT ala Andrade and follows it up with a 619. All that to eat a backfist from Kairi. Asuka tags in and puts Zelina in the Asuka Lock. Zelina rolls through and the pin attempt forces Asuka to let go. Michin tags in and hits the Ram-Paige on Asuka for what would have been a three if not for Kairi. On the outside Kairi hits a Alabama Slam onto Zelina onto the announce table. My goodness! Michin heads up to the top but Dakota Kai distracts the referee and Bayley runs down the ramp to push Michin off. An Insane Elbow from Kairi Sane and the Kabuki Warriors win!
Jimmy and Solo are waiting in the Bloodline locker-room. Jimmy says that Paul and Roman have been talking for way too long. Jimmy says it feels like a set up. He asks Solo if he would tell him if something was going to happen to him. Solo says “I’m your brother” and then flexes his taped wrist. Uhhh yeah Jimmy I don’t think this is going to go well for you.
We see a video package for Santos Escobar. Santos says the last time he had a United States championship opportunity, Rey Mysterio ripped that away. Now that Rey is no more, Santos has a clear path. He says Bobby Lashley may be into the finer things of life, but ultimately what matters is what happens in the ring. When all is said and done, Santos will take back what he gave to Logan Paul.
We go right to a promo from Lashley flanked by the Street Profits. Lashley says the tournament is full of people Logan Paul can beat…except him. The Street Profits run Santos down, and Lashley tells Santos he is just standing in Lashley’s way. I’m hoping they are at least going to allow Lashley to be more of a tweener. The fans just have no interest in booing these guys.
Randy Orton almost immediately hooks Jimmy into the draping DDT but Jimmy escapes to the outside. Jimmy takes some deep breaths as we head to break. We come back and we just missed Randy back drop suplexing Jimmy onto the announce table. We see the replay and then Randy gives us a live action replay and drops Jimmy again. This crowd has been hot tonight and as always it adds so much to these shows. Jimmy gets the advantage by getting dirty and doing whatever he can to survive. Randy goes for the draping DDT for the second time in this match but Jimmy reverses it and dumps Randy on the outside. Randy may have landed awkwardly on his knee, giving Jimmy the chance he needs. Jimmy scouted the scoop slam and hangs onto the ropes. Randy is too smart and stays with it, hitting the scoop slam anyway! On his third attempt Randy finally plants Jimmy with the DDT. Randy calls for the RKO but Solo Sikoa’s music hits. Before Solo can get half way down the ramp LA Knight’s music hits and he takes out Solo. Back in the ring Jimmy tries to jump Randy but eats an RKO out of nowhere! Randy gets the win and stares down with Knight.
Roman jumps Knight from behind and now we have the staredown between Randy and Roman. The crowd wants it and Roman is going to give it to them. The two men trade blows and Randy gets the upperhand. It only lasts for a moment until Jimmy jumps Randy. Knight is back in the ring and the odds are even for now. Of course here comes Solo and its now a three on two advantage for the Bloodline. I wonder…YES AJ Styles is back! Roman is looking for Styles on the ramp but Styles is behind him and hits a Phenomenal Forearm onto Roman. Randy and Knight get back up and all three men clear house. My god Styles is ripped too! One of the best parts of Raw WAIT. I was just about to say how nice it is to have three babyfaces untied against the top heel faction but AJ Styles just clotheslined LA Knight. Randy is shocked and so are the Bloodline. Styles walks out of the ring and past the Bloodline. My only guess is maybe Styles is pissed at Knight taking his spot at Crown Jewel? Either way, things just got a whole lot more interesting on Friday nights.