Welcome to Wrestle Purists’ coverage of Dynamite on April 13th 2022.
CM Punk defeated Penta Oscuro:
Jericho Appreciation Society Promo:
The JAS are seen getting off a Jet. Jericho is bragging and then in the distance, Eddie Kingston, Santana & Ortiz are in a car shouting at the JAS, things like “its on sight!”, they drive off and then you can see that they had just attacked 2.0
Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus (c) defeated reDragon (AEW Tag Team Championship):
Jungle Boy pinned Bobby Fish. After the match Kyle O’Reilly attacked Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus with a chair. As reDragon were leaving up the ramp, FTR made their entrance and the two teams had a face to face.
Blackpool Combat Club Promo
Regal says he is happy to be surrounded by three tough gentleman. Danielson is fired up about having Yuta in the Blackpool combat club and that they’re facing the Gunn Club in a trios match on Friday. Moxley cuts about the match too. Wheeler says on Friday, the real work begins.
Backstage With Jamie Hayter & Toni Storm:
Tony Schiavone announces that Hayter vs Storm will be taking place in the first round of the Owen Tournament. Hayter then cuts a promo on Storm, but Storm just shrugs it off and walks away.
Shawn Dean defeated MJF via Countout:
Before the match, MJF pretended that the zip on his jacket was broken. But it was just a distraction to help MJF get a cheap shot on Dean.
During the match, the big screen showed security guards laid out. Assumably thanks to Wardlow. MJF was taunting by the crowd, then Wardlow appeared behind him disguised as security. Wardlow then chased MJF until he ran away and sent security at Wardlow, who eventually stop Wardlow after a few get taken out. MJF then offered the referee to triple his pay if he didnt count him out, but the ref still counted him out anyway.
After the match, MJF came down to the ring and was pushing and shoving with the referee. Whilst this is going on, the big screen shows Wardlow in the back taking out more security. He then grabs the camera and screams into it that he wont stop until MJF releases him from his contract
Darby Allin Promo:
Allin is shown skating through the streets. He them comes up to the frame of a coffin. He then tells Andrade El Idolo the he wants to put a nail in this whole thing, Coffin Match.
Malakai Black Promo:
Malakai cuts a dark promo on Fuego Del Sol
Jericho Appreciation Society defeated Eddie Kingston, Santana & Ortiz:
Garcia pinned Eddie Kingston. Jericho hit Kingston with a bat behind the referee’s back leading to the finish. After the match the JAS attacked Eddie Kingston, Santana & Ortiz.
MJF Promo:
MJF is mad about losing earlier. He then gets Mark Sterling to state that MJF can pick Wardlows matches if he wishes to. MJF then introduces The Butcher as an opponent for Wardlow
Marina Shaffir defeated Skye Blue:
Jade Cargill & Mark Sterling were watching backstage. Kiera Hogan & Red Velvet were part of the ‘Baddie Section’ in the crowd.
Interview With HOOK:
HOOK is asked if he is excited about his first match on Dynamite. But he is then interrupted before he can answer by Mark Sterling & Tony Nese who complain about Nese not being interviewed/getting attention etc. HOOK then gets in their face and they both walk away. Danhausen is then seen in the background and he “curses” HOOK.
Dan Lambert, Scorpio Sky & Ethan Page promo:
All 3 men cut promos on Sammy Guevara & Tay Conti
Powerhouse Hobbs & Ricky Starks defeated Keith Lee & Swerve Strickland:
Powerhouse Hobbs pinned Keith Lee. During the match, Taz came down to the ring. Leading to the finish, Keith Lee ran into the ropes and Taz grabbed his foot, which stumbled Lee & allowed Hobbs to hit a Spinebuster
Thunder Rosa Promo:
As Rosa is starting her promo, she is interrupted by Nyla Rose & Vickie Guerrero who are bring her a cake for the “shortest womens title reign”. Rosa then pushes the cake in Rose’s face. Rose & Rosa then brawl with Rose getting the upperhand.
Samoa Joe defeated Minoru Suzuki (c) (ROH Television Championship):
After the match. Jay Lethal & Sonjay Dutt had a present for Samoa Joe, but it was just a middle finger. Then the lights went off and on again and Satnam Singh appeared, Singh, Lethal & Dutt then all attacked Joe.