Welcome to Wrestle Purists’ coverage of Dynamite on April 20th 2022.
CM Punk defeated Dustin Rhodes
After the match, Punk and Rhodes emrace and shake hands. As Punk is leaving, Hangman Adam Page makes an entrance and the two have a stare-down at the top of the entrance ramp.
Backstage with Wardlow:
Wardlow is met by Sterling upon entering the building and Smart Mark Sterling informs him that security will be accompanying him everywhere and that he will be required to wear handcuffs as well.
Blackpool Combat Club defeated Brock Anderson, Dante Martin, and Lee Moriarty:
Jon Moxley pinned Dante Martin.
Backstage with The Undisputed Elite:
Kyle O’Reilly is telling the group that they have to turn around their recent string of losses and live up to their name. He vows to beat Jungle Boy tonight in his match later tonight and qualify for the Owen Tournament. Adam Cole agrees and says they can’t be stopped as a team, and they’re all still here for each other. He suggests an open challenge 10-man tag match next week, then leaves to attend to other business, telling the others to think about it.
Video package hyping Samoa Joe vs Satnam Singh feud:
Tony Khan Announcement:
Khan introduces Takami Ohbari, the owner of NJPW to come out whilst he makes his announcement, he goes to make the announcement but Adam Cole interrupts on the big screen, saying he’s a huge star and should be the one to make the announcement. He says the announcement is that on June 26th in Chicago at the United Center, AEW and NJPW will hold the ‘Forbidden Door’ event. Adam Cole also announces that on Rampage he will face NJPW’s Tomohiro Ishii in an Owen Cup qualifying match. He then introduces Jay White, who claims he singlehandedly sold out MSG last time NJPW had a joint event. He says it’s not about either company, it’s about the Undisputed Elite and Bullet Club, because it’s still their era.
Backstage With Jade Cargill, Red Velvet & Kiera Hogan:
The three women put eachother over and take shots at Marina Shaffir. Cargill says that Marina calls herself the problem, but she’s the problem solver
Wardlow Defeated The Butcher:
Before the match, MJF & Shawn Spears appeared in the crowd, MJF on the mic said that Wardlow will be entering to no music. Which Wardlow then does whilst flanked by a bunch of MJF’s security, still in cuffs until right before the match starts. After the match, Wardlow was cuffed again and taken away by MJF’s security.
Eddie Kingston Promo:
Eddie Kingston cuts a promo on Daniel Garcia, also saying that the Jericho Appreciation Society, Santana & Ortiz are all banned for their match this Friday on Rampage. He then cuts a promo on Jericho too. He says he hopes Jericho will be watching as he whoops Garcia.
Kyle O’Reilly defeated Jungly Boy (Owen Hart Tournament Qualifier):
After the match, Christian Cage came down the ramp to meet Jungle Boy and put his arm round him.
Backstage with MJF & Shawn Spears:
MJF cuts a promo on Wardlow, he then introduces Jake The Snake Roberts who starts to also cut a promo on Wardlow, he is then interrupted abruptly by Lance Archer who says he just wants to fight Wardlow and if anyone gets in his way, everybody dies
HOOK defeated Anthony Henry:
Tony Nese & Smart Mark Sterling were front row taking notes. Towards the end of the match, Danhausen attempts to “curse” HOOK to no effect. After the match, Danhausen grabs a mic and is frustrated HOOK cant be cursed by him and says that if HOOK cant be cursed bt Danhausen, he must fight Danhausen. HOOK then just walks away.
Backstage With Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky:
Scorpio Sky reminisces to Kazarian about their time as part of SCU and their success together. He then asks Kazarian to hold off on his TNT title aspirations as Sky is going to challenge Sammy Guevara to rematch. Kazarian says that he’ll always have Sky’s back.
Thunder Rosa Video Package:
Thunder Rosa cuts a promo putting herself over as a top champion and also cuts a promo on Nyla Rose.
Sammy Guevara in-ring promo with Tay Conti:
The crowd is booing Guevara & Conti. Guevara Says he loves it. He says he appreciates the fans that support him but he hears the people that dont and they can stay mad. He also said his girlfriend is hotter than theirs. Scorpio Sky then comes out and Challenges Guevara to a rematch for the TNT Title and cuts a promo on Guevara, Guevara then goes to respond, but is then cut off by Ethan Page who cuts a promo on him and Conti, then Dan Lambert does the same. Guevara then accepts Sky’s challenge but only if they accept to do a mixed tag match too, which Lamber accepts. Guevara then says that Sky’s TNT Title rematch will be a ladder match.
House Of Black Promo:
House Of Black cut a promo saying that next week, the sun dies.
Brit Baker defeated Danielle Kamela (Owen Hart Tournament Qualifier):
After the match, Baker cut a promo saying the womens division is a mess without her. She then names Ruby Soho, Toni Storm, & Jade Cargill, cutting promo on each of them.
Hikaru Shida vs Serena Deeb video package:
Video package hyping an upcoming match between Shida & Deeb. Deeb challenges Shida to a Philly Street Fight. Shida then accepts.
Darby Allin defeated Andrade El Idolo, Coffin Match:
At the start of the match, members of the Andrade Family Office immediately got involved, attacking him and throwing him into the crowd. But in the crowd was a ‘fan’ dressed as Sting, which was in fact Sting. Everyone then brawled through the crowd and Sting wiped out the AFO members by doing a dive from the stands. Truly wild for a man that age. After the match Sting celebrated with Darby and the Hardys also came out to the top of the ramp and started a “Delete” chant