Welcome to Wrestle Purists’ coverage of Dynamite on April 6th 2022.
Adam Cole defeated Christian Cage:
After the match, reDragon attacked Christian Cage until Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus made the save. Adam Cole was left in the ring by himself, then Hangman Adam Page made his entrance. Hangman said he will give Adam Cole another title shot next week in a Texas Deathmatch.
Samoa Joe defeated Max Caster:
After the match, Jay Lethal & Sonjay Dutt appeared on the big screen. Lethal complains to Joe about Joe not answering his calls for months, but he’d answers calls of a billionaire. He then calls Joe a Samoan Gold digger. Lethal also says he will have a present for Joe next week.
Backstage With The Blackpool Combat Club:
Tony Schiavone announces that Bryan Danielson will face Trent Beretta, and Jon Moxley will face Wheeler Yuta for the ROH pure championship. Regal the cuts a promo putting over the BCC & their matches. He also mentions how he and Danielson have been impressed by Yuta, and now he needs to impress Moxley.
Shawn Spears vs Shawn Dean:…
During the match, the big screen cut to the back and security are laid out. Wardlow then appears backstage taking out security and making his way to the arena. Wardlow is then eventually stopped by 3 bigger security guards and security escort him away. This all distracts Shawn Spears and Shawn Dean rolls him up for the win.
After the match, MJF came to the ring and complained to Spears
Backstage With The Best Friends:
This was to build the tension between Yuta and the rest of the Best Friends, with Trent Beretta even getting in Yuta’s face.
Eddie Kingston, Santana & Ortiz and The Jericho Appreciation Society Brawl:
Footage from earlier Today where all the men are brawling, Eddie, Santana & Ortiz start to get the upper hand and the brawl spills to the car park, but the JAS flee in a getaway car driven by Jake Hager.
Eddie Kingston, Santana & Ortiz in-ring promo:
Eddie, Santana & Ortiz storm out to the ring with no planned entrance. They then all cut promos on the Jericho Appreciation Society. Saying its on sight, no matter when or when they see them. They then call them out for 6 man match in Louisiana.
Jade Cargill Promo:
Tony Schiavone introduce Cargill who comes out with Mark Sterling. Cargill introduces her “baddie section”, she then puts it and herself over. Sterling then buries the city a little and cuts a promo on Marina Shaffir. Cargill says she mat as well call Shaffir number 30 and that she is tired of these MMA losers coming into this business.
Backstage With MJF & Shawn Spears:
MJF cuts a promo on Shawn Dean & calls him out for a match, saying he’s going to injure him
The Hardys defeated The Butcher & The Blade (Tables Match):
After the match Andrade and the AFO make an entrance and begin to make their way to the ring. But then Sting’s music hits and Sting comes out and takes out Private Party with a baseball which causes the rest to back off.
Backstage with Christian Cage, Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus:
Christian is frustrated and leaves before the promo even starts. Jungle boy then cuts a promo on reDragon and challenges them to a match, offering to put their tag titles on the line.
Nyla Rose vs Thunder Rosa Video Package
Highlight video package with both women cutting promos on each other hyping their upcoming match for the AEW Womens Championship
Backstage with Jamie Hayter & Toni Storm:
Jamie Hayter says she hopes to face Toni in the Owen tournament so she can stop her momentum. Toni says its only just begun.
Hikaru Shida defeated Julia Hart:
Hart attacks Shida before the bell and sends the Varsity Blondes, who came to support her away to the back. After the match, Serena Deeb attempted to attack Shida with a chair but Shida backed her off with a Kendo Stick.
Backstage With Swerve Stricklands:
Swerve brags about going to the Oscars and cuts a promo on Powerhouse Hobbs & Ricky Starks. Swerve then goes into the mens locker room, bur is followed by Hobbs & Starks who jump him. Keith Lee comes to help Swerve and the 4 men all brawl in the locker room, ending with Keith Lee putting Hobbs through a wall.
FTR defeated the Young Bucks:
Dax Harwood pinned Matt Jackson