Paul Heyman has said that the ending to The Bloodline saga has been changed multiple times.
As of writing, Roman Reigns has been the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion for over 1,300 days. Since August 2020, he has overcome all challengers including Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn and John Cena, even when it looked as if The Tribal Chief’s reign was in real danger. Though, according to The Wiseman, it seems as if the ending to Roman’s reign has never been locked in.
While talking to Phil Schneider of The Ringer, Paul Heyman emphasised the importance of a storyline’s finish, revealing that the ending to The Bloodline saga has actually been rewritten multiple times so far.
“I’m a huge proponent of writing the last page of the script first. It’s always to the advantage of long-term storytelling. I don’t think it was ever done better, ever, than the Brian De Palma–directed movie Carlito’s Way, because the very first frame of the movie tells you the ending. The first scene in that movie is the end of the movie. Then you’re taken on a ride with these characters that are so layered. The audience is truly emotionally invested in them to such a degree that when you know the movie is coming to the conclusion, you have forgotten what the ending is, and you’re rooting for Carlito, even though you were just told less than two hours ago he’s going to die on that train platform at the hands of this person in front of his soon-to-be bride. The magnificence of that storytelling is, to this day, so dramatically underappreciated. I’ve always been of the belief that the launch of the story is the first push toward the conclusion. The finish is everything. All that being said. I think I would suggest the ending of this story has already been rewritten multiple times because the world has changed since the inception of the Bloodline story. Therefore, what was a clear vision of how this should play out almost four years ago changed along the way based on not only the audience’s investment in the characters and the stories but the world itself—society itself, pop culture itself, sports culture itself has all changed, and now we can see the trajectory that we’ve been on takes us so much further than we ever initially imagined.”
-Paul Heyman
Reigns’ next challenge comes in just five days on the second night of WrestleMania 40 against Cody Rhodes. Many are expecting The American Nightmare to avenge the loss he suffered in the main event of ‘Mania last year, but, given the unpredictability of The Tribal Chief’s title reign, the outcome of this weekend’s showpiece is anything but certain.
As always, we’ll aim to provide any further updates on The Bloodline’s story as soon as we hear more.