Welcome to Wrestle Purists’ coverage of NXT on April 19th 2022.
Pretty Deadly Promo:
Pretty Deadly brag about their NXT Tag Team Championships. GYV then interrupt & Zack Gibson is disgusted that GYV were not in the Tag Team Gauntlet last week. They then call Pretty Deadly lucky that they never had to face them. Legado Del Fantasma then interrupts and start a brawl between all the teams.
Bron Breakker In-Ring Promo:
Bron Breakker calls out Joe Gacy. Joe Gacy then appears on the screens around the venue and Gacy tells Breakker that he’s not hard to find and all Breakker has to do is come find him.
Santos Escobar Promo:
Escobar cuts a promo on Carmelo Hayes, hyping their match later Tonight.
Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams Promo:
Hayes & Williams cut a promo on Escobar, hyping Hayes’ match vs Santos Escobar later Tonight.
Tiffany Stratton defeated Sarray:
Backstage With GYV:
GYV are complaining about Legado Del Fantasma. They are then by a fired up Bron Breakker who is looking for Joe Gacy backstage. The camera then follows Breakker on his search. Breakker then hears Rick‘s voice, so he follows it, but it just ends up being a recording. Breakker finds the recording and gets frustrated.
Backstage With Pretty Deadly, Indi Hartwell & Persia Pirotta :
Indi & Persia ask Pretty Deadly for a title match, which they seem excited for. But then Indi & Persia say it wouldn’t be against them, but against Dexter Lumis & Duke Hudson, Pretty Deadly then say they’ll let them know.
Grayson Waller Promo:
Grayson Waller is asked why he got rid of Sangha. Waller then cuts a promo on Sangha, blaming him for Waller not winning a title. He is then interrupted by Andre Chase & Bohdi Hayward, and Chase tells him this is a teachable moment. Sangha then appears and chases Waller.
Grayson Waller defeated Sangha:
Cora Jade Promo:
Jade cuts a promo on Natalya.
Roxanne Perez Video Package:
Roxanne is presented as a gamer who wants to switch from a gamer to the real thing, looks like her debut is imminent.
Backstage With Roxanne Perez:
Perez is asked about joining NXT etc and before she can say much, she is interrupted by Toxic Attraction. Mandy Rose, Jacy Jane & Gigi Dolin then all take verbal shots at Roxanne & challenge her to a match tonight. Roxanne says she will see what she can do
GYV vs Legado Del Fantasma:
Cruz Del Toro pinned James Drake. After the match, Santos Escobar cut a promo on Carmelo Hayes.
Backstage with Wes Lee:
Lee says the last few weeks have been rough & that he feels lost. Xyon Quin then interrupts and the two go back and forth, Quinn says he will teach Lee a lesson. Lee then tells Quinn to meet him in the ring
Carmelo Hayes Defeated Santos Escobar:
In the lead up to the finish, behind the referee’s back, Escobar is attacked by guys in suits and hats with a crowbar. After the match Carmelo Hayes calls out Cameron Grimes. Grimes then comes out to respond, but Solo Sikoa attacked Hayes & Williams from behind. Sikoa & Grimes then have a face to face and Sikoa tells Grimes that hes got next whilst looking at Grimes’ North American Championship.
Backstage With Bron Breakker:
Bron Breakker still looking Joe Gacy & his father, steps out of an elevator. He approaches a door and cautiously cracks it open and steps into a room full of mirrors. He sees Joe Gacy in one but when he turns around, he’s not there, so he starts getting mad and smashing mirrors
Diamond Mine Gym:
Biven is on the phone whilst Roderick Strong is training , Strong isnt happy with how hard the past few months have been and says it stops now, and he wont allow another group to crumble. He then says he is going to make an example out of people, and if you’re not with the vision, you’re an enemy of Diamond Mine
Natalya Defeated Tatum Paxley:
Tony D’Angelo Interview:
D’Angelo is asked if he had anything to do with the random men attacking Santos Escobar in the match earlier, which he denies. D’Angelo then eyes up Escobar’s car
Nathan Frazer Video Package:
Video package to hype up Nathan Frazers upcoming NXT 2.0 debut
Locker Room With Indi Hartwell, Dexter Lumis & Duke Hudson:
Hartwell is planning matching gear for Lumis & Hudson. Hudson wants to come up with a strategy for their match later. Hudson tries to communicate with Lumis but gets frustrated and walks off.
Xyon Quinn Defeated Wes Lee:
Backstage with Natalya:
Natalya says Cora Jade love to play victim but her attack on Jade last week was self-defence. She is then interrupted by Nikkita Lyons and the two women have a verbal back and forth.
Roxanne Perez Defeated Jacy Jane:
During the match, Wendy Choo appears on the titantron, and she shows off that she has trashed Toxic Attraction’s Lounge. This distracts Jacy Jane, allowing Perez to hit her finish for the win.
Car Park with Legado Del Fantasma:
LDF make their way to their car whilst Eacobar complains about being attacked by the two mystery men earlier in his match, wondering who it may have been. They then notice that their car has been clamped and a dead fish had been left on the hood, hinting that it was Tony D’Angelo.
Backstage(?) with Joe Gacy:
Gacy is show in a room with a bunch of monitors watching Bron Breakker attempt to look for him.
Pretty Deadly (c) vs Duke Hudson & Dexter Lumis (NXT Tag Team Championship):
Elton Prince pinned Duke Hudson
Joe Gacy Promo:
The lights go out, then Joe Gacy appears on the platform in the corner of the venue. Gacy say Bron Breakker has been looking for him all night, but here he is. Bron Breakker instantly comes out and makes his way up to Gacy. Gacy then tells Breakker to calm down and if he wants Rick Steiners HOF ring, he just has to give Gacy a title match. Breakker accpets and Gacy gives him the ring. But then he pushed Breakker off the platform. Breakker is then attacked on the floor by a bunch of people in black hoods