Welcome to WrestlePurists’ coverage of the July 4th episode of WWE NXT.
Blair Davenport Defeats Roxanne Perez
This back and forth match ends with a couple of brutal looking knee strikes. Blair Davenport wins by pinfall.
Ivy Nile Backstage Interview
Ivy is asked about the loser leaves NXT match between The Schism and Diamond Mine when Tiffany Stratton comes in to brag about retaining her title last week. Ivy tells Stratton that everyone saw her tap. Stratton tells her that the referee didn’t see anything. Ivy tells Stratton that she is lucky that she is busy tonight.
Baron Corbin Vignette
Baron is shown burning his gear from all of his old gimmicks. He says that he can’t go back to them and that he has to kill his past.
Mustafa Ali Defeats Tyler Bate
This was a very good match. Ali wins with a 450 splash. After the match Ali challenges Wes Lee for the North American Title.
Joe Gacy Backstage Interview
Gacy with Ava Raine is being interviewed backstage and is asked about the loser leaves NXT match. He says that the right team will win and that they will be eliminating a problem forever.
Kelani Jordan Defeats Tatum Paxley
Jordan comes to the ring with Dana Brooke after last week’s revelation that the two share a gymnastics background. It appears Brooke is mentoring her. Jordan wins by pinfall with a modified stunner.
After the match, Cora Jade comes out and cuts a promo on Brooke & Jordan. She sarcastically congratulates Jordan on her first victory. She says a friend of Dana Brooke is an enemy of hers. She says she doesn’t need friends or mentors. Jordan challenges Cora to a match right here and now. Jade declines.
Chase University Segment
The students at Chase U are excited to have Andre Chase back. He calls Duke Hudson the MVP and thanks him for everything he did while he was gone. He then talks about Charlie Dempsey and Drew Gulak and how they tried to poison Thea’s mind. He says that they will make them pay for costing Thea a title win.
NXT Underground Match: Eddy Thorpe Defeats Damon Kemp
This fight club inspired match was worked quite a bit differently from the original Raw Underground matches. It was actually very entertaining at times. Thorpe wins via referee stoppage.
After the match, one of the wrestlers standing ringside tries to get into Stevenson’s face after messing with his gold medals. Gable winds up taking him out with a suplex before suplexing a few of the other wrestlers. Stevenson and Thorpe celebrate in the ring together.
Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams Promo
After some brief bragging, Carmelo calls out The Judgement Day and invites them to NXT!
Channing Lorenzo and Joe Coffey Visit Tony D in Prison
Stacks tells Tony that he made a deal with Coffey. Stacks vs. Coffey next week. If Stacks wins, Tony will be freed from prison.
Lyra Valkyria Defeats Jacy Jayne
Valkyria wins a spirited match by pinfall.After the match, Jayne attacks Valkyria and destroys her entrance gear.
Noam Dar Baskstage Segment
Noam is backstage talking to a picture of the Heritage Cup. He talks about how he is nothing without it. The rest of the Meta Four come in to cheer him up.
Kiana James Locker Room Segment
Kiana is on the phone when she approaches her locker room and sees a wet paint sign on the door. She walks inside and realizes the room has been completely trashed by Gigi Dolin. Kiana says “the gloves come off.”
Von Wagner Attacks Javier Bernal
Javier cuts a promo on Von Wagner which causes Wagner to come out and confront him. Wagner attacks Javier, eventually power bombing him through the announce table.
Lucien Price & Bronco Nima Vignette
Price and Nima announce that they will make their NXT debut next week.
Loser Leaves NXT Match: The Dyad (Rip Fowler & Jagger Reid) Defeat Diamond Mine (Julius & Brutus Creed)
The Dyad comes out with Joe Gacy & Ava Raine and Ivy Nile comes out with Diamond Mine. Gacy is tossed early in the match by the offical. Later on, Nile and Raine begin to fight ringside. The chaos causes a referee distraction. At this point a masked figure in a red hoodie hits Julius with a headbutt which allows The Dyad to hit their finisher to win the match by pinfall. Diamond Mine must leave NXT. This was an excellent tag match. I am very interested to see what happens next in this storyline.
Finn Balor Promo
Finn cuts a promo on Carmelo Hayes and says that Judgement Day will indeed be at NXT next week.
Bron Breakker Promo
Bron talks about how he was in the most watched match in two years. He talks about how close he was to winning the WWE Heavyweight Championship. He talks about other matches including his win over LA Knight. He says to get used to his face and wonders what is next for him. He eventually is interrupted by Ilja Dragunov. The two began to brawl until they were pulled apart by officials and other wrestlers.
Final Thoughts
A pretty solid show with some major developments and implications heading into next week.