During DDT’s Judgement PPV streaming live on WrestleUNIVERSE, a video package was played that saw AEW’s VP of Talent Relations – more commonly known to fans as the “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels” – announcing that AEW would be bringing over wrestlers from DDT to wrestle at their shows.
— DDT ProWrestling (@ddtpro) March 20, 2022
AEWのレスラー人事担当責任者、クリストファー・ダニエルズ @facdaniels からメッセージが到着!
「AEWは今後DDTのレスラーのみなさんを起用していくことを発表いたします。素晴らしい選手たちを米国のファンに紹介することを楽しみで待ち切れないです」#JudgementDDT#ddtpro #AEW pic.twitter.com/u6ssGs7zAd
This was later clarified by Michael Nakazawa, who additionally added that DDT’s sister company, Tokyo Joshi Pro-Wrestling (TJPW), would also be a part of this deal.
3.20 Ryogoku show Backstage Comments 📢
— DDT Pro-Wrestling (English) (@ddtproENG) March 20, 2022
Takagi: With AEW? It’s a dream! Is it real? Michael, Kenny, thank you!
Michael: I always wanted to be a bridge with AEW…I couldn’t do it without Kenny. I hope we can bring DDT to the world.#ddtpro#JudgementDDT pic.twitter.com/606xuvkl0t
Previously talent from both DDT and TJPW have appeared on AEW: Michael Nakazawa alongside the Elite; Konosuke Takeshita wrestling at the house-show The House Always Wins as well as AEW Dark while TJPW’s Maki Itoh and newly-crowned Princess of Princess champion Shoko Nakajima have wrestled on AEW Dark and on AEW PPVs.
With travel restrictions slowly easing up since the last time DDT-affiliated talent appeared on AEW programming, there’s sure to be much more coming through the entrance tunnels, just like several NJPW wrestlers have in the past year.