Brodie Lee Jr, the son of Brodie Lee, who tragically passed away in December 2020 from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, is currently signed to AEW, although the deal doesn’t become official until he turns 18. Lee Jr. has been featured across AEW television since the passing of his father under the name -1, cutting promos and dealing damage with a kendo stick as a member of the Dark Order.
Speaking to Men’s Health, Brodie Lee Jr. and his mother, Amanda, discussed his future in wrestling, highlighting his reasoning for following in his father’s footsteps.
“[Being involved] helps me because, like, I am ‘Carrying the Legacy’ of my dad. I do it because I love it. And my dad did it.”
-Brodie Lee Jr
Amanda Huber has responded multiple times to rumours that her son is being used by AEW for good will, or that she is “pimping him”. Huber had a chance one again to shoot down these criticisms, noting that everyone has their own ways of dealing with situations like these.
“That’s not it, either!” (AEW has handeled the situation with) such grace and such kindness … that I personally don’t feel like they’ve exploited him, or taken advantage of us. Everything’s always felt to me like it’s done with nothing but love. I think people are skeptical and pessimistic and assume that it’s a lot more sinister than it is. Again, everybody would have a different way of handling this. I’m doing my best. I’m trying. There’s a good chance I’m screwing something up along the way.”
-Amanda Huber
It was revealed that whilst Brodie Lee Jr. isn’t currently earning a salary from AEW, an account filled with royalties from his AEW T-shirts and other merchandise will become available to him upon his 18th birthday.
Amanda has stated in the past that school will come first for her son, and that wrestling won’t be forced upon him if it isn’t the path he wishes to take. When asked what Brodie would think of his son stepping into the ring, Amanda replied with the following:
“He would tell you he absolutely hates it. But I could tell you that deep down, in his heart, he would be just bubbling over the moon.”
-Amanda Huber
Brodie Lee Jr. then gave his own thoughts on how his father would react to seeing him in the ring, stating that he believes his father would be 100% behind him if he had the chance to see how happy he was.
“I bet if he was here, he would probably change his mind.He just wanted me to be happy. If he were here, to have him see me be in the happiest place, me being in the happiest mood, I feel like that would brighten up his day.”
-Brodie Lee Jr
Brodie Jr. made an appearance on the July 6th edition of AEW Dynamite in his father’s hometown of Rochester, New York, where Evil Uno proclaimed that the Dark Order is forever, despite the recent departures of Stu Grayson and Alan Angels.