Jade Cargill, current TBS Women’s champion and All Elite Wrestling’s Baddie in Chief is approximately two years into her tenure in AEW. She arrived in late 2020 in a feud with the Rhodes family as the pieces fell together to set up the eventual mixed tag match with Shaquille O’Neal vs Cody Rhodes & Red Velvet.
Jade Cargill remains one of the brands stand out performers with her commanding ring presence and hefty undefeated streak to boot, she stands as an impressive benchmark for the entire women’s division.
Early into her run in AEW, she was partnered with Smart Mark Sterling whom attempted to act as a mouthpiece for Jade Cargill. After the gradual removal of Smart Mark from her side his former role was filled by the newly arrived Stokely Hathaway who assumed a similar role to Smart Mark, however Jade Cargill has only grown more satisfied with not only her ring in skills but her promo skills as well.
Jade Cargill was a recent guest on the Jon Chuckery Show where she discussed her growing comfort with her craft.
“Being that my first time ever cutting a promo, I didn’t practice, I just went on stage and I did it and it was national TV, I’ve gotten way more comfortable being that I can put myself into my character. My character is just an extension of myself. I can say the most outlandish stuff because I’m portraying something to an audience. I’ve gotten way more comfortable. I was working with Mark Sterling and at the time, when I was working with him, the way he would focus and cut promos, the man was…I’ve never seen someone so focused on their craft. I started watching him, how he would cut his promos, how he would direct it and what he would get across and when he would insert ‘this’ into it. We don’t have coaches. We just do what we have to do. They give us pinpoints we have to hit, but we do this all from our own muscle. I’ve gotten way more comfortable because, one, I know I’m going to be on TV, I might as well get used to it and get as comfortable as possible. I’m growing. I took promo classes in college and that’s about it. What you see is nothing but raw material. I’ve gotten way more comfortable. To be honest, I’m way better live. I can cut a promo live because I know I can’t screw it over. I’ve gotten way comfortable. I love promos now. That’s the easy part,”
– Jade Cargill
Cargill gave praise to the trust that’s given and the freedom the talent receives when creating promos, she also made mention and heaped praise onto Ricky Starks’ from the heart promo from the July 27th Dynamite.
“Obviously, going into my second year, I don’t have all the answers. I need guidance. I would probably be great in reality TV of wrestling if I was going off the hinges. I’m not knowledgeable in that sense. A great example is Ricky Starks. He cut an amazing promo on Dynamite. All of that came from the heart. Literally, came from the heart. Great promo. Just being himself. Got what he needed to get over and got himself over, got his opponent over, got everything he wanted to say out. This is a man that’s been working his butt off for years. He was able to speak his heart and say what he needed to say in that moment. There was no script. There was a guide he had to follow to get what he needed to get, but that was all him. Me seeing that just shows the power and control we have to say what we need to say and get our character across so fans understand what we’re feeling in that moment. I appreciate that,”
– Jade Cargill
Jade Cargill and her baddies have recently been feuding with the like of Kris Statlander and Athena, but Jade seems to have her attention focused on the latter for the time being.
H/T to fightful for the transcription