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The Uncrowned Dog: Junkyard Dog’s Case for NWA Champion

I once got into a heated debate on Twitter about whether The Junkyard Dog should have been NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion back in the early eighties. The debate became spirited, as my challenger retorted that JYD didn’t need any significant championship and should have just stayed in his lane as the famous Black wrestler who

The Uncrowned Dog: Junkyard Dog’s Case for NWA Champion Read More »

Miyu Yamashita vs Masha Slamovich

Miyu Yamashita vs. Masha Slamovich is the Best of Joshi vs. Best of Indies

Prestige Wrestling has delivered one of the best independent wrestling matches of the year without it even happening. They revealed at the start of the year that Princess of Princess Champion and Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling (TJPW) ace Miyu Yamashita would be coming to the United States to do two shows with them in May

Miyu Yamashita vs. Masha Slamovich is the Best of Joshi vs. Best of Indies Read More »

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Jay White: The Forbidden Door Is Not So Forbidden Anymore

Jay White is currently signed to New Japan Pro Wrestling, but he is active in many places these days. He recently made his All Elite Wrestling debut, has been a regular fixture on IMPACT TV, whilst also being on NJPW Strong in the US. Jay White recently spoke with Busted Open about the “forbidden door”

Jay White: The Forbidden Door Is Not So Forbidden Anymore Read More »

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WWE Failing To Purchase ROH Is The First Sign Of Triple H’s Absence 

AEW Owner Tony Khan recently announced that he is the new owner of Ring Of Honor. The news was announced on Wednesdays episode of AEW Dynamite. Shortly after, it was said that both WWE & AEW were interested in buying ROH, but ultimately Tony Khan and AEW made the best offer so they won any

WWE Failing To Purchase ROH Is The First Sign Of Triple H’s Absence  Read More »