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Jay White: The Forbidden Door Is Not So Forbidden Anymore

Jay White is currently signed to New Japan Pro Wrestling, but he is active in many places these days. He recently made his All Elite Wrestling debut, has been a regular fixture on IMPACT TV, whilst also being on NJPW Strong in the US. Jay White recently spoke with Busted Open about the “forbidden door”

Jay White: The Forbidden Door Is Not So Forbidden Anymore Read More »

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Matt Hardy: “A Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Darby Allin combination would make an interesting trios team”

Matt Hardy seems to be a big fan of former TNT Champion, Darby Allin. There is no lack of factions and trios in AEW currently, but whilst talking to the Weekend Joe, Matt Hardy was asked who would be the ideal trios partner to him and Jeff Hardy: “It would be really interesting, because Jeff

Matt Hardy: “A Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Darby Allin combination would make an interesting trios team” Read More »